
Follow Us: 6 Powerful Tips to Boost Your Facebook Brand Page

If you're not convinced of the business benefits associated with Facebook, here are six simple tips to help your company's Facebook Page work smarter an harder.

4. Provide Localized Facebook Content and Offers

No matter how attractive your offer is, if it’s not available in your fans’ zip code, city or state you won’t see impactful results. In fact, if your offer is limited to certain local areas you should provide localized, relevant content.

For example, you can provide “walk-in” promotions to encourage Facebook fans to visit your local store. Also, you can mention important local details to show that your business is connected to a specific area.

5. Add QR Codes to Your Facebook Brand Page

Adding a QR code to your Facebook brand Page is an effective marketing tactic for all types of businesses. You can offer incentives including free products or discounts to fans who scan your code.

Setting up a QR code only takes a few minutes. First, create a unique QR code and then embed your logo into the code. Lastly, link the code to the URL that you want to drive your fans to.

6. Monitor Facebook Insights to Improve Engagement

Facebook Insights is a free service that provides important data with metrics on your fan Pages and Apps. This data gives you valuable information about your audience demographics and behavior to help you improve engagement efforts. By using Facebook insights, you can measure how your fans respond to a specific marketing messages and tweak your content accordingly.

What are some of your company’s best practices for developing a stronger presence on Facebook? Let me know in the comments below.

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Photo Credit: ESPRIT


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