
5 Things 5 College Movies Taught Me about Business (That They Don’t Teach in Business School)

Here are five movies that unexpectedly reveal five lessons that you won’t learn in the classroom.

Often times, art (painting, photography, music, theatre, film, dance, literature) imitates life. It can also serve as an allegory — used to present a simple idea.

When it comes to film particularly, our favorite movies aim to entertain us yet subtly reinforce underlying messages.

Scott Myers notes, “In the process of crafting and writing a story, it’s critical to look for and manage the multiple themes that emerge. My principle: Theme = Meaning. And I don’t mean some theoretical premise, but rather a story’s emotional meaning, tied to a character’s psychological journey.”

Therefore, what better premise is there to explore than that of an entrepreneur and the resultant journey that unfolds. To that end, here are five movies that unexpectedly reveal five lessons that you won’t learn in the classroom.

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What other movies can teach us a lesson or two about business? Let me know in the comments below.

Connect with Erica on Twitter.

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Photo Credit: The Social Network (2010)


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