
The Pursuit of Startup Happyness: 4 Ways to Eliminate Self-Doubt in Business

Eradicate self-doubt and work on creating complete business harmony by doing these four simple things.

As an entrepreneur you’re actively involved in a high-risk environment. So it’s not uncommon to experience a random bout of self-doubt. But if you’re not careful, continual self-doubt over time can negatively impact your leadership, performance and company.

So, instead of doubting yourself, work on creating business harmony by doing four simple things:

1. Act now and execute often.

Instead of playing mental ping-pong when it comes to making a decision, simply develop the best case scenario and the worst case scenario. Mitigate your risk and take small daily steps towards your goals. Don’t have weekly goals yet? Grab a pen and paper or head on over to Asana and kick your productivity into high gear.

2. Change your inputs.

Have you listened to others talk lately? More importantly what are you saying? Your brain is an information processing system (like a computer) that receives data and outputs data. If you don’t like what you’ve been outputting lately – try changing the input. Start reading more, or listening to audiobooks, to gain insight on areas that you struggle with in business.

Unsure where to begin? Start with our Top 20 Entrepreneurship Book List.

3. Change your associations.

This seems to be the hardest tip for most would-be entrepreneurs. If someone in your life is contributing to or “cheerleading” your negative self-talk, change your “scenery.” Connect with local entrepreneurs in your city by attending meetups, frequenting coffee shops “entrepreneurial havens,” and joining local business organizations.

In this time, you can start seeking out friendships and mentorship connections as well. In the idea and seed phases of business development you’ll already have quite a bit to overcome, you don’t need “anything or anyone” working against you.

4. Change your self-talk.

Look forward. Redefine your perspective. “Sports psychologists have long recognized the importance of positive self-talk in helping athletes achieve their potential. Everyone who plays or has played a competitive sport or who competes at major levels will face adversity and obstacles to success.”

It’s unlikely that your favorite athlete competes with the mindset of, “I can’t …”

The moment you think, “I can’t do this.” Tell yourself (out loud), “I can do this!” Cancel out negative thought patterns and simply change your mind. The most important conversations you’ll have are with yourself. Each day, tell yourself what you “can” do and build up a habit of congratulating yourself on small successes.

Will this guarantee your success in business? No. But it will put you leagues ahead of most people as you grow a sustainable and profitable company. Conquering self-doubt is essential to growth and startup “happiness.” And it starts with you.


What other ways can entrepreneurs eliminate self-doubt in business? Let me know in the comments section below.

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Photo Credit: A|wear


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