
See Spot Run and Network: 4 Lessons You Can Learn from Your Dog about Business

There are a few things entrepreneurs can learn from man’s best friend when it comes to business – here are four of them.

2. Make customers feel like they’re the most important person in the world.

Dogs are well known for making you feel as though you’re the most important person in the world … even if they have a slightly exaggerated perspective. If you’re a dog owner, you’ll relate – when you walk in the door it’s as if they’ve missed you for weeks (when you’ve only been gone 30 minutes).

The business lesson is clear. Value your customers. Make them feel that they are truly important to your business – because they are. Spend time improving your customer retention efforts and look for ways to add value in return for the profit you receive. In most industries the switching cost is low – especially with the advent of the Internet.

Thus it’s important to treat customers the way you’d want to be treated, given that “81% of companies with strong capabilities and competencies for delivering customer experience excellence are outperforming their competition.”

3. Choose business partners wisely.

“All animals (including your dog) tend to feel attracted to life-sustaining features of their environments and feel repelled by things they know are dangerous: good things they move toward, bad things they move away from,” according to studies. Unfortunately, not everyone is as good as their pets at detecting foes – people in business that may attempt to do us more harm than good.

Take a cue from Fido and sharpen your skills. “Body language accounts for up to 55% of how we communicate.” So if you aren’t paying attention to this you’re potentially missing out on a lot of observations that could prove beneficial in the long run.

In business, spend time observing and listening instead of talking. Learn to read body language and better understand basic human communication. “Your intuition is never going to be 100% accurate, but with a little practice you can become more aware of when you’re being fed a load of crap.”

4. Don’t **** where you eat.

It’s a general rule of thumb.

What other business lessons can entrepreneurs learn from mans best friend? Let me know in the comments section below.

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