
Timex Group President, Adam Gurian Shares 10 Daily Productivity Tips for CEO’s

Take these steps to increase productivity and make the best use of your time throughout the day.

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Time is our most precious commodity.  We are all challenged to do more in a shorter amount of time. However, you can take steps to increase productivity which will help you and your management team make the best use of your days.

Here are ten simple ways to get started:

1. Act immediately on phone messages and emails. 

If you can accomplish a task in just a few minutes, do it.  It is one less thing on your to do list and you will have that immediate sense of accomplishment.  If you let too many small activities pile up, you will be “playing catch” up the rest of the day.

2. Get a head-start on tomorrow by preparing before you leave the office today. 

The simple task of writing a to-do list is one of the most efficient ways of keeping track of your daily work requirements. By writing out a list for tomorrow before you leave the office at night, you will have an immediate head-start on your next day and be ready for your new priorities.

3. Don’t sit at your desk all day. 

It is important to get up, walk around the office and take a few minutes for a “mental break.”  These short breaks will reinvigorate you and help you be more productive in the long term.

4. Organize your tasks.

By arranging your workday so that you tackle your most important priorities together, you will save time, be more efficient and ultimately produce higher quality work.  In addition, by starting your day with the most important task, you will increase your productivity and get your day off to a good start.

5. Stand up for your phone calls. 

It is amazing that the simple act of standing during a phone call will actually help shorten the call, thus saving you time.  If you are standing you are less likely to be involved in idle chatting and you will get to the point of the conversation faster.

6. Stick to a schedule.

If a meeting is scheduled for an hour, do everything possible to keep it to an hour. Once meetings start running long, it directly impacts the rest of your schedule for the day, while also impacting your co-workers.  A series of meetings that run long will have a snowball effect throughout the day.  Also, if you are not required to be at a meeting and you have a more pressing deadline, do not feel guilty about missing the meeting.

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