
10 Ways Small Business Owners Can Support Global Entrepreneurship Week Locally

Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), to be held November 12-18th, is the world’s largest celebration of the innovators and job creators -- how will you celebrate entrepreneurship?

6. Celebrate small business suppliers with performance-based rewards and incentives.

Does your supply chain include other small businesses? If so, have you celebrated their efforts to help you grow your business? If not, GEW presents a great opportunity to reach out to your small business partners and award special incentives to the best performers.

7. Launch a local CEO mastermind group.

Create powerful business alliances by forming a local CEO mastermind group. The purpose of a mastermind group is for several like-minded people to come together who are committed to supporting and helping each other get to the next level in their businesses.

Napoleon Hill, one of the greatest American authors on personal-success and celebrated author of the best-seller Think and Grow Rich, defines a mastermind group as the “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.” Hill also believed a mastermind group actually multiples an individual’s brain power and produces positive emotions as well as success in activity. We agree with him.

8. Partner strategically with local, complimentary businesses.

Look for local businesses to partner with and leverage your customer bases to create mutual value. For example, “If you sell gourmet muffins, you have a likely market for gourmet coffee. That’s the concept behind complementary products [or services]. They do exactly that – they complement each other. One might enhance the other as the case might be with wine and cheese, etc.”

Create value for your customers by introducing them to another company and leverage the power of both establishments to grow your businesses.

9. Attend a local Global Entrepreneurship Week event.

Attend a local GEW event to help foster an environment that allows entrepreneurial behavior to flourish. “It is important that young people believe in themselves and strive to make their ideas happen, and they deserve encouragement and support,” according to Global Entrepreneurship Week.

“The drive to nurture enterprising behavior needs business, education, government, voluntary organizations and the media to work together—no    single sector or organization working in isolation can create opportunities on this ambitious scale.”

10. Host an entrepreneurship event, dinner, or outing.

Make it personal and host a small event for friends and family interested in business and entrepreneurship. Invite everyone to bring a plus one — someone they know interested in starting their own business. Share your experiences and develop a dialogue to build connections and promote innovation and champion new opportunities.


The organization says that GEW “is about unleashing ideas and doing what it takes to bring them to life—spotting opportunities, taking risks, solving problems, being creative, building connections and learning from both failure and success. It is about thinking big and making your mark on the world—doing good while doing well at the same time.”

How will you make your mark?

What will you do to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week? Let me know in the comments section below.

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Photo Credit: Mango


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