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3. Consistency

After you have exercised commitment and your team is completely on the same page–regarding the provision of great customer service–the third C of Consistency enters the picture. This element is crucial to the long-term success of your business.

Your company’s ability to consistently provide a great customer service experience is what builds brand loyalty. Loyal customers are revenue generators as they are both comfortable and excited to share their positive experiences with others.

Improve your consistency by ensuring that every customer receives the same level of service during each encounter with your business. If you own a brick-and-mortar retail store in several locations, regardless of the location a customer visits, a positive experience should await them.

For instance, when a customer calls your company, it doesn’t matter which employee takes the call, everyone should strive to consistently provide a great experience. Or when a client interacts with your business online — they should find their dealings with you to be an easy and efficient transaction. Moreover, when issues arise, you should be ready to consistently resolve them in a timely manner.

When a small business can consistently provide a great customer service experience, it won’t be long before positive word-of-mouth takes over. The potential for new customers can appear as a result of your company’s ability to stay consistent.

4. Communication

The glue that holds all of this together is the fourth C – Communication.

This simply means that your goal to provide great customer service is clearly communicated. It means that your employees should be kept abreast of how the company is performing in its quest to meet the needs of your customers. Employees should also be given the means to communicate the customer’s perception of your company to you.

In turn, it is important for you to communicate how specific employee ideas for improvement are contributing to the success of your business. From a customer’s perspective, they should be able to initiate communication with your business regarding their personal experiences with your product or services.

Ultimately, you are in charge of communicating customer needs and preferences to everyone to ensure that all products and services are designed with the end-user in mind.


In today’s era of multichannel customer service opportunities, it is important to let your customers know how important they are to your organization. Let them see, hear and feel what they mean to you by establishing commitment, followed by completeness of purpose, exhibiting consistency during all customer interactions and applying the glue called communication!

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Photo: Jegman

Speaker, author and consultant Errol Allen utilizes his 25 years of hands-on experience in creating customer service strategies for maximum customer retention. Errol has a passion for great customer service and presents his “Now That’s Customer Service! Award” to companies that provide excellent customer service.


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