
Op-Ed: The Truth About Small Business Success, Luck Has Nothing to Do with It

Here are several things I have learned about being lucky--and truly happy--in business.

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4. Be in the moment.

Many of us spend a large majority of our lives trying to tick all the boxes. Sometimes you just need to step back and be in the moment — be present at this very moment in your life.

How many times have you had conversations with people but can’t remember half of what they said because you were thinking of what you need to do next? We are all guilty of this.

Instead, get comfortable with being present for your life and your business. This simply means that what is in past is gone and what has yet to come has its own time; but this moment, will never be had again.

Take time to appreciate your life and business for what it currently is, and the part it plays for the future to come. There are so many missed opportunities because we are in a rush to move on to the next thing, when all that is required could be right in front of you. Slow down, pay attention and listen to your instincts. It has been my experience that your gut instincts will never steer you in the wrong direction.

5. Build  meaningful relationships.

Ever opportunity to meet someone new should be cherished – not because of what you can get, but because of what you can share. You might think you have absolutely nothing to offer but, the more you are in the moment, the more you get to share the resources you weren’t aware you had.

The more you share, the greater compensation – in other words, you will often get want you really want. That’s just the way life works.
Happiness and luck begin as a state of mind.

Accept where you are right now, seeing it for what it is – without any judgements and then take steps (no matter how radical they seem) to get to what you really want. Somewhere along the road, you will realize that you are actually enjoying the journey. Eventually you will get what you really want — and then you will find people telling you how “lucky” you are to be able to do what you do.

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Photo: Massimo Dutti

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