
Social Media Startup Slingjot Bets On One-Word Social Reactions

Will up-and-comer Slingjot join the ranks of its popular predecessors?

It could easily be said that it’s a social media world and we just live in it.

These days in order to stay “connected” we have multiple social networks to choose from: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, LinkedIn and the list continues. In fact:

  • 140 billion friend connections have been made on Facebook
  • +11 new accounts are added every second on Twitter, and
  • 12 billion minutes are spent on Pinterest

Is there room for another social media juggernaut? If so, will up-and-comer Slingjot join the ranks of its popular predecessors?


Is there room for another social media platform?

Slingjot, a social media network that is currently in private beta hopes to set itself apart from the pack by focusing on engagement and instant feedback. Founded in 2011, “the basic concept is built around one-word reactions to events, photos, products and others. The reaction is immediately posted and can be shared with anyone. Then, the reactions can be viewed in word clouds, and people can vote on polls,” according to Yahoo! Tech. The application is currently available for iPhone and Android mobile devices.

While there has been talk of the new kid on the social media block, many wonder if there is room in our online worlds for another?

Today’s social landscape is overwhelming. Consider the fact that one online minute generates:

  • 100,000 tweets
  • 48 hours worth of video uploads on YouTube
  • 684,478 content shares on Facebook
  • 3,600 photo shares on Instagram


Slingjot’s mobile and ‘less is more’ approach

When Twitter first hit the social media scene, the brevity of 140 characters seemed a bit high to some. In light of this, many online users yearn for even less complication, a platform built upon even more simplicity. This is one reason why Slingjot has standout potential once it launches out of beta.

“Slingjot is linked to the concept that social media should be fun, fast and easy. It is part of a growing movement to make social networks more user-friendly and responsive. Part of Slingjot’s appeal is its promise of “no histories, profiles or attachments to bog you down.”

One of Slingjot’s core value propositions is also its mobile roots. Some say the PC is passé, soon to be consigned to the dustbins of history. The future is full of smartphones and tablets and social media networks, like Slingjot, Facebook and others plan to capitalize on a brave new mobile world.

Consider the statistics:

  • 91% of mobile Internet use is social
  • 71% of all app sessions happens outside the US
  • 73% of smartphone owners access social networks, at least once a day
  • There are more mobile device owners than toothbrush owners on the planet! That is 4.8 billion up against 4.2 billion.

Social networks will begin to adapt to an even more fast-paced mobile world, realizing that sometimes one word is all that a user needs to let friends, family and businesses know what they think. Imagine a social world of less complicated text and no user profiles–Slingjot wants to do just that.


How marketers can standout in crowded social spaces

While social media statistics are impressive, what does the entrance of new players to your customer’s social world really mean for business?

As new platforms emerge to track web analytics and monitor social media engagement, the business case for social media will become stronger and better justify the investment.

As newcomers, like Slingjot and others, flood the social media scene it will become even more important for small businesses to develop a focused social media strategy that delivers results and engages customers. Social media can no longer be ignored.

  • 38% of CEOs label social media a high priority, and;
  • 57% of businesses planned to hike their social media spend last year, according to recent studies.

Ultimately, niche social media networks will continue to expand. Users, in the foreseeable future, will continue to divide their time among multiple social networks and demand easier engagement.

With “millions of people use social media every day, it’s inevitable that users are going to get swamped with real-time updates where everyone wants to have a voice… The question marketers must ask themselves, then, is, “how can we stand out among the chaos?” Slingjot believes one world will suffice.


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