
7 Money Blogs to Improve Your Personal, And Business, Finances

Checkout these seven "money" blogs we found to be insightful and practical.

How closely are your business and personal finances intertwined?

Some may say … too close for comfort.

In fact, our personal money management skills impact our businesses in more ways than we may realize. However, learning to better manage finances (on and off the clock) is now easier than ever.

Whether you are looking for savvy ways to eliminate debt, save money, manage investments, improve cash flow, or master industry analysis, here are seven “money” blogs we found to be insightful and practical.


1. Dealbreaker

Dealbreaker is a witty and snarky blog run by Executive Editor, Bess Levin — a 25 year-old finance blogger known for her occasional “potty-mouth” and bold statements. Dealbreaker content provides an inside look into the way Wall Street thinks and operates; covering the personalities and culture that shape the financial industry. Known for their honesty and salacious accuracy, Dealbreaker has grown in popularity, despite the fact that many financial institutions have blocked the site.


2. Young Adult Money

Young Adult Money, created by David Carlson, focuses on helping people in their 20s and 30s tackle finance issues while juggling life: school, relationships, careers, children, travel, etc. Carlson’s posts provide personal, valuable content that aim to teach readers how to make, save, and manage their money wisely.


3. The Debt Movement

After observing his father struggle with debt for the majority of his life,  Jeff Rose vowed not to go down the same path, and thus created The Debt Movement. After accumulating credit card debt and student loans, Rose realized how difficult it was to pay it all off. However, he soon learned how to conquer his debt and then decided to team up with top finance bloggers to help others do the same and enjoy the financial freedom he obtained.


4. Thousandaire

Kevin McKee is the creator behind Thousandaire, a site dedicated to helping people develop at least $1,000 in total assets more than they owe in total debts, giving them a net worth of at least $1,000. Though McKee has no formal financial advisory credentials, his insights are underpinned with practical lessons (shared through the lens of personal experiences and mistakes) on how to improve your personal finances.


5. Money Under 30

The Money Under 30 blog is focused on providing “simple, honest financial advice for starting out.” Young adults leave college unsure of what to do next when it comes to managing finances. David Weliver created Money Under 30 as an outlet to write about money: his mistakes with it, but also how he eventually learned to manage it well.


6. Get Rich Slowly

Get Rich Slowly is a personal finance blog created by J.D. Roth, a self-proclaimed “accidental personal-finance expert.” Roth aims to share ideas on how to improve your financial life, based on the belief that “get rich quick schemes” don’t work, and that it takes time to not only eliminate debt, but increase your wealth. Get Rich Slowly promotes goal-setting, spending within your budget and establishing a savings account as small, doable ways to literally get rich slowly.


7. The Simple Dollar

The Simple Dollar, created by Trent Hamm, is a financial website “for those of us who need both cents and sense: people fighting debt and bad spending habits while building a financially secure future and still affording a latte or two.” Hamm went through a financial crisis in 2006 that led him to research everything he could find on how to help him eliminate debt. In eight months, he paid off all his debt and established an emergency fund. His experiences (and love for writing) moved him to create a site to share what he had learned and help others in similar situations.

What is your favorite personal (or business) finance blog? Let us know in the comments section below.


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