
Google PageRank: 4 Simple Steps to Improve SEO Rankings

It’s time to compete for coveted Google real estate space and create a cohesive SEO strategy by incorporating these four factors.

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4. Crawlability

This word “crawlability” may seem foreign, but it lets Google get a good understanding of your site. While search engine spiders are getting better at indexing content, they still need help categorizing information correctly. Therefore, frequently use keywords (that you want to rank for in Google search results) in your copy and tags on the site. In other words, think about what your customer base would search for online, and incorporate that text throughout.

Furthermore, make sure you’re using search engine-friendly URLs. URLs that are dynamically created, or several folders deep, will be your worst enemies. As I mentioned earlier, don’t forget to update your site regularly so the spiders will crawl your site often to check for updates. Most importantly, if you’re feeling lost and unappreciated on the web, there are many tools available to monitor whether or not your site is being crawled to its full potential.


As you begin to implement these important elements, enlisting the help of free online tools can be extremely beneficial in learning about SEO. After all, the first step in fixing the problem is admitting you have one — and diagnosing exactly what’s wrong. Don’t try to predict how search engines will work; you’re not a fortune teller. Educate yourself, and consider confiding in a company with the proper knowledge to guide you along the way. As with all things SEO, continual testing and refinement are key — and the most successful companies never stop.

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Photo: Google

Phil Laboon is CEO and founder of Eyeflow Internet Marketing, a full-service SEO and online marketing firm that recently launched SEOzio.com, a virtual SEO consultant analyzing the SEO scorecard of any website. Phil is a thought leader in online marketing and SEO, and he welcomes anyone to reach out to him on Twitter or Google+.

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