
Are you Making these 5 Company Website Mistakes?

You love your company website. It represents your small business perfectly -- except when it doesn’t.

You love your company website. It represents your small business perfectly — except when it doesn’t.

In fact, your company website may not deliver the message you thought it was; or worse prevent you from delivering real value and capturing sales. So, here are five common “startup” website mistakes that many entrepreneurs make when creating, or hiring a web developer to create, their website … and how to fix them.


1. Designing for the “Cool” Factor

You want your startup to stand out from all the others out there, so you design your logo and your company website with lots of flair. You may consider that a flashy website design will stick in people’s minds, so you forgo clarity.

While people may think your site looks good, they won’t remember what your service or product is all about. They may not even grasp your business concept while visiting your site, which will cause them to hit the back button or move on without a second thought. Ouch!

Remember, online users can be fickle, so ensure to focus on explaining what your startup does and how you will help make your customers’ lives better.


2. On-Page Overwhelm

In an effort to tell people all of the reasons they need to sign up for your service or try your product, you might go overboard and cause more harm than good.

If you have more than three major pieces of information or options on a page, you’re likely overdoing it. When it comes to designing effective websites, keeping visual options to a minimum always results in better conversions.

Instead of packing your website with the 20 different reasons to “try your product”, focus on the big three benefits you can deliver. Think of what your company helps people get more, or less, of … whether that’s sleep or anxiety.


3. Not Testing On All Devices

Your company website looks great on your desktop computer and maybe your mobile phone. But have you tested it on a variety of different devices? Have you considered making your website design responsive, so that it will re-size based on the dimensions of the screen?

These are all great questions to consider before you hit publish on your new company website, but it’s worth going back and checking different browsers and mobile devices even if your site is currently live. Use sites like Mobiletest.me, iPadpeek.com and TestiPhone.com.


4. Forget to Ask for Contact Details

Most website visitors will not buy your product or service, immediately. But it doesn’t mean that you should let curious folks walk away into their busy lives, never to return.

Instead, make sure you have a simple and prominent way for visitors to stay in the loop. Make the offer to join your email list, an inviting one, by focusing on the benefits they can receive from your company.

If you can’t think of anything, consider creating free content in the form of articles or videos that will be of interest to ideal customers. No one can turn down a highly targeted freebie that’s designed to solve their exact problems.


5. Not Offering a ‘Taste’ Before Asking for the Sale

Speaking of freebies, does your company website offer anything people can try before they buy? Depending on your product or service, you might be able to offer a taste before asking them to commit.

For instance, if you offer a membership service, it’s a great idea to let people try your software or services. They could become hooked and decide they don’t want to stop using it. Start by offering a free trial, and be generous. If you did your job right, in creating your offering, some customers may take you up on your paid version, too.

Think outside the box on this one, because offering a sample is one of the best ways to get people open to buying from you.


Do You Make Any of These Mistakes?

Now that you know what to watch out for when creating or redesigning your company website, it’s time to be honest with yourself and assess your own website. If you need an unbiased opinion, ask a friend or colleague — someone who isn’t as close to your “baby” as you are.


Nathalie Lussier got her Bachelors in Software Engineering then promptly turned down a “stable” job on Wall Street to start her own online business. She’s a sought after digital strategist who teaches people how to get techy with their business. Get your Free Website Checkup at http://GetTechyNow.com.


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