
5 Simple Ways to Decrease Business Expenses

Here are five simple ways you can lower business costs, starting today.

Business expenses fluctuate from month-to-month and they can cost you a fortune. Overhead costs can include rent, utilities, and payroll. However, it’s the little expenses that start to add up over the years. Although the occasional unforeseen event is to be expected, it pays to keep costs low so profits can be high. That’s what separates most successful businesses from those on the verge of closing.

There are a number of different things small business owners can do to cut out careless spending. Here are five simple ways you can lower business costs, starting today.


  1. Purchase multifunction equipment.

    A multifunction printer (i.e., a printer, copier, and fax machine in one) is a very good example. Rather than buy several separate standalone units, choose a model that offers more bang for its buck.  The If Convertible, a super phone, hyper-tablet and dual-display laptop, is another good example of multifunction technology at its finest and most efficient. Ultimately, spending more to get exactly what you want and need is one way to reduce replacement costs in the future.

  2. Barter services with other businesses.

    This is a wildly popular practice for startups. Factor in the cost of whatever you need and offer the same amount of products and services to another business owner in exchange for what you need.  Don’t forget to develop a contract to ensure the terms are legal and enforced. Meanwhile, another option is to become a member of the International Monetary Systems to make saving cash easy by purchasing services with trade dollars.

  3. Use Open Source software.

    Rather than pay for costly software programs, download and utilize all of the free software you can get your hands on. From OpenOffice to GIMP, your needs can be taken care of quickly and affordably by using the free tools made available through Open Sourcing. For a more complete list, visit Open Source as Alternative (OSALT).

  4. Go paperless.

    Save some trees and a bunch of cold, hard cash this year by making your business paperless. Share documents through Google Docs, invoice using PayPal or Xero and store information that you need to access to Pocket.  The app is available for iOS and Android driven mobile devices

  5. Buy in bulk and pay in advance.

    As attractive as payment plans can be, ask vendors if they offer a discount for buying in bulk or paying off your contract early. Small businesses can save a significant amount of money ecah year by paying the entire invoice amount due versus rendering a payment each month. This can apply to anything your business needs and uses. Imagine getting a discount from every company you deal with.

Every business has its challenges, but yours doesn’t have to be financial. By following the suggestions listed above, you lower the cost of your expenses which leaves more room for profit. You’ll also be able to afford to pay your employees more which boosts morale, increases productivity, and adds to the sense of well-being in the workplace. Your business can then operate as a well-oiled machine, operating at its peak efficiency and providing customer with a unique experience along with useful and enjoyable products and services.

Being in business can be costly but it doesn’t have to be. By eliminating unnecessary expenses and emphasizing productivity, you can have a successful and stress-free year ahead.


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