
6 Self-Care Tips To Transform Your Business

Here are 6 smart ways to start taking better care of yourself.

  1. Prepare Fresh Food

    Living a fast-paced life and running a business can make it easy to opt for convenience food. Most entrepreneurs admit they have little time to cook. But preparing fresh, healthy meals is one of the best ways to keep your health in check.

    Prepare fresh food with simple recipes. Start small with one or two meals a week. Cook in bulk and freeze in portions so you always have something on hand. Make use of grocery delivery services from Walmart and Asda to avoid impulse purchases. Try meal delivery services like Blue Apron, Hello Fresh or Plated and have recipes and pre-portioned ingredients delivered to your doorstep. Don’t feel guilty about spending time in the kitchen instead of your home office or study. By serving your body, you are also serving your business.

  2. Stick to Office Hours

    Energy and concentration levels naturally wane throughout the day. So, by 5pm you’ve likely already done your best work. Rather than struggle to get ahead, be happy with what you have achieved, pack up and go home. You’ll feel a lot better for it in the morning and make more progress. An entrepreneur’s to-do list is never ending, but by planning ahead and writing a list the night before you position yourself to be more productive.

  3. Make Time for Exercise

    Exercise is another thing that many entrepreneurs struggle with and it’s all the more crucial due to the sedentary lifestyles we lead. Exercise doesn’t have to be anything heavy. It can simply be taking a walk, doing yoga or Pilates, stretching, or a quick jog around the block. Start slowly at first, and do only as much as you are able. You can also break it up into 5-10 minute portions throughout the day, so you fit in your 30 minutes of exercise without needing to carve out a chunk of time.


Additional Self-Care Tips

Nobody is immune from getting sick or becoming exhausted, so it’s important you realise the impact that a balanced, structured routine can have on your career. Remember:


  • Working at home is still working. When you leave work, leave the work.
  • If a deadline cannot realistically be met without you or your team working yourselves into frenzy, it’s time to revisit those deadlines and set better boundaries.
  • Working shorter hours is always better than getting sick and not being able to work for days or weeks at a time.
  • Working within shorter time-frames often makes us more productive and creative.
  • Cut the caffeine – you don’t need it. Not only does it affect your quality of sleep; it also reduces rational thought and lead to low moods and irritability in the long run. Read more about the real impact caffeine may be having on your business performance, and learn how to quit.


This article has been edited and condensed.

Adele Halsall is a writer and researcher for Customer Service Guru, specializing in consumer advice, retail trends and brand culture. She is a regular B2B contributor for a number of websites and enjoys participating in ongoing debates related to marketing, social media and brand strategy. She is particularly passionate about content marketing and the power it can bring for companies. Connect with @gurucustomers on Twitter.


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