
9 Ways Marketers Can Create Superior Online Content

Following these nine content marketing tips will help you and your business make more of your content marketing efforts and improve SEO results.

Content marketing is no-longer a nice-to-have marketing tactic in business, it is a necessity. Creating great content is one thing; however getting it seen (and shared) is another. There are numerous tips and tricks to optimize content marketing campaigns, but some are more impactful than others.

Some speculate that Google considers over 200 different ranking factors in their algorithm. Whether this is the case, you’ll want to test and experiment for yourself. Moreover, if you are willing to spend the time to create top-notch content, then here are nine key tips to boost your content’s quality and search engine rankings:


  1. Keyword Phrase

    When creating content the keyword phrase, that is applicable to your business, needs to be in the URL and SEO title. This is a prerequisite if you want your company’s content to be seen. The URL and SEO title is the first thing Google’s bots look at and “it all begins with words typed into a search box,” as MOZ explains in their Beginner’s Guide to SEO. “Keyword research is one of the most important, valuable, and high return activities in the search marketing field. Ranking for the right keywords can make or break your website.”

  2. Keyword Usage and Semantics

    Ideally you’ll want to reference the keyword you wish to rank for, in the content, a couple of times (not too many, mind you). In addition, make the most of semantic search by using phrases similar to the keyword at other times. For example, if your keyword phrase is “how to make great content”, then some semantic keywords would include “better content tips”, “tips for successful content” etc.

  3. Domain Authority

    Websites with higher authority are more likely to rank well in search engines. Publishing on a site that has high authority will ensure your content is seen and boost your overall content marketing awareness goals.

  4. Content Length

    Longer content tends to rank much better than short content. In fact, the old fashioned 400 word post doesn’t cut it. Studies suggest 1000 to 1200 words are the sweet spot for Google’s algorithm (at the moment). Meanwhile, “a higher word count typically results in more search traffic… Evidence suggests that the more content your page has, the better chance it has of a top position in Google results.” (QuickSprout)

  5. Linking Strategy

    Internal linking structure within content is of vital importance, so interlink and make sure your longer, higher quality pieces of content have plenty of links going to them. This will help your content rank and ensure more link juice flows through them. This is one of many smart ways to get people to visit your website.

  6. Imagery

    When publishing images, alt text is also an important factor if you want your content to rank well. Sites with good alt text around images tend to receive visits via standard SERPs and through image-based search engine results. So, it’s definitely worthwhile making the most of this overlooked tip.

  7. Social Shares

    The number of social shares that a piece of content delivers can also make or break online content marketing success. The reality is this: Google, though they don’t admit it, does look at social media shares as a part of their algorithm. Encouraging sharing of your content will most likely contribute to improved search rankings. So, build your social media presence now and reap the rewards in the future.

  8. Headlines

    One of the best ways to get people to share your content is to create a great headline. There are a number of rules for creating good headlines – so follow them to increase your chances of success. David Ogilvy, widely hailed as “The Father of Advertising” once said, “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

  9. Quality Content

    Not that I need to tell you this, but as a reminder creating quality content is very important. High-end content is worthy of a high rank as it increases clicks, shares and usually appears on high authority sites.

Following these nine content marketing tips will help you and your business make more of your content marketing efforts and improve SEO results.


This article has been edited and condensed.

Cormac Reynolds is the founder of UK-based marketing company, My Online Marketer. He’s worked in the digital marketing field for 3 years now and has seen some exciting changes. In his downtime you can find him either curled up on a good book or consuming Netflix en-mass. Connect with @brightoncormac on Twitter.


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