
6 Easy Tips To Create The Most Successful Kickstarter Video Ever

Give your Kickstarter campaign the best possible chance for success with these six video tips.

What did the highest grossing Kickstarter campaigns of 2014 all have in common? Aside from promoting a few innovative products, each campaign had a compelling Kickstarter video.

According to Kickstarter: “projects with videos succeed at a much higher rate than those without (50% vs. 30%)”. Campaigns with videos help creators communicate every aspect of their project in one concise stream of thought.

So, how can you make your Kickstarter campaign video a success? Here are six helpful tips to get you started.


  1. Be authentic.

    The Kickstarter community wants to know who you are and where your passions lie. They want to know why your product is important to you and why you’re the most competent person to deliver this product to them. Keep the energy levels high and a smile on your face throughout your Kickstarter video—you’re selling your dream here after all.

  2. What’s being Kickstarted?

    State a very clear description of your product in the video. This may seem fairly obvious, but this is the most helpful tip of all. You may know the ins and outs of your project, but your audience needs a clear picture of what’s going on. To test potential success of your Kickstarter video, show it to a sample audience of friends that don’t have any information about your product yet. Listen very closely to your test audience and augment or reduce information as needed.

  3. Cover the basics.

    Every successful Kickstarter video should answer the following questions: Who are you? What’s the backstory? Why do you need my money? What will you do with my money? What do I get for my money? What happens if you don’t reach your funding goals? (i.e. The universe may collapse into itself…)

  4. Be concise.

    Cover all the topics above, but keep in mind that the average attention span is laughable. Use the first 10 seconds of your video to hook your audience and convince them that they should stay tuned for the main event. Aim for a video that covers all the bases in the span of 3-5 minutes.

  5. Keep things legal.

    Be wary of copyright law violation—you will need permission to use any logos, photos and music used in your video. Royalty-free content may be a great option for photos and music. If you’re using the services of a professional videographer, they can provide insight on what music and images to use.

  6. Close the sale.

    Communicate a specific call to action to conclude your Kickstarter video. Be as specific as telling your audience what button to press to donate. You don’t have to assume the role of pushy salesperson in your video, just treat your audience like a friend you’re asking to borrow money from. Let them know how much you want to borrow, why you need it, and how you’ll repay them.

There’s no foolproof method for creating a successful Kickstarter campaign, but having a compelling video will create more opportunities for funding. Videos are the best and easiest way to share your project and showcase the emotions, motivations and passion behind your brand. Give your Kickstarter campaign the best possible chance for success with the tips above.


Ian Harrington, a videographer, photographer and producer, is the Founder of Ian Harrington Productions. He aspires to create videos that influence audiences educationally, artistically and spiritually. He’s passionate about working on projects that focus on shaping a better tomorrow. He is based in San Diego, California. Connect with @ianhvideo on Twitter.


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