
Are You Outgrowing Your Life (And Your Business)?

Growth is directly proportionate to change. Every day something changes. Outgrow to create change, grow through change and embrace every moment of it.

Photo: Danielle McDonald, The Clarity Architect; Source: Courtesy Photo
Photo: Danielle McDonald, The Clarity Architect; Source: Courtesy Photo

Think back for a moment.

When you were younger, what were you attached to? Was it a toy, blanket, or something else? For me it was Tommy, my Cabbage Patch Doll. I loved Tommy and took him everywhere with me.

But, as with many things in life, there came a time when I needed to move on from Tommy. I was growing up. Tommy was simply unable to grow with me.


Outgrow and Let Go

There comes a time in life when we outgrow certain things. It can be sad, or (let’s be honest) an aha! moment. A time to rejoice. But, in order to grow, we go through periods of discomfort as we step into the new, next level.

Are you feeling stagnant in your business? Are the shifts and breakthroughs few and far between? Maybe you need to outgrow some things.

Without growth there can be no progress.

So, here’s a look at 6 steps you can take to outgrow whatever holds you back and purposefully grow into more of your purpose.


  1. Evaluate.

    Take time out to evaluate what’s happening around you. It’s likley that there is something in your life that contributes to mental blocks and that “I feel stuck” experience.

  2. Make a ‘let go’ list.

    So, with your thoughts, a notepad and pen and no technology distractions, make a list. Jot down anything you’re holding onto that you’ve outgrown. Next ask yourself, “Why am I still holding on to this?” Be brazenly open and honest with yourself.

  3. Break the cycle.

    If you’re feeling stagnant, in life or business, it’s time to get rid of things that don’t serve your vision or your “why” in business. It’s time to let go the things you’ve outgrown. This may mean passing physical items onto someone else, donating certain things to charity and so on. If there is no room for growth, then growth can’t take place.

  4. Review your circle.

    Next, evaluate your circle. Take a close look at the people you regularly socialize with in a personal and professional capacity. Are they contributing to your growth or holding you back? Take responsibility for the role you let others play in your life, because we are the only ones that can truly hinder our growth.

  5. Forge new paths.

    Be open to finding new people to associate with and remove yourself from any comfort zones. Prioritize people that support and contribute to the next phase of growth in your life and business. (I’m not suggesting you stop talking to people you care for or love, this is about growth and expanding your mind. There is nothing wrong with having different circles of people in your life for different reasons.)

  6. Commit to new ways.

    As a final step, look at the things you are doing in your business that just aren’t working anymore (i.e., they don’t produce results). Can you re-engineer a process, make adjustments or is it time for “out with the old and in with the new?”


Sometimes, as hard as it may be, you have to let go. I vividly remember the day I did. It was like a huge weight had been lifted, a looming cloud had moved on. This was a direct result from the decision I made to remove the “blocks”. As a result, an abundance of blessings started to flow my way.

Growth is directly proportionate to change. Every day something changes. Outgrow to create change, grow through change and embrace every moment of it.


This article has been edited and condensed.

Danielle McDonald is The Clarity Architect. She helps entrepreneurs gain clarity to step into their power by providing them with mindset and business strategies to achieve their true potential. Checkout her website and connect with Danielle @MsDMcDonald on Twitter.


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