
How Christian Entrepreneurs Can Make Money, The God-Centered Way

As a Christian business owner here's an inside look at how to achieve immense peace, real clients, real money, real happiness and the confidence to put faith at...

Photo: Lyndsey Brent, founder of The Brent Group; Source: Courtesy Photo
Photo: Lyndsey Brent, founder of The Brent Group; Source: Courtesy Photo

As a sales professional turned business coach, I recently stepped into the online world of coaching and consulting. In the forefront of industry-related topics, I was inundated with tons of buzzwords like:


  • Manifesting

  • Universe

  • Vibration

  • Energy

  • Mantra


The term “manifesting” especially caught my attention. Essentially the idea of manifesting is to believe something into existence (e.g., money, clients or opportunities).

Manifesting is an idea suggested by Napoleon Hill’s popular book, Think and Grow Rich and supported by the teachings of Abraham Hicks. It’s all about communicating with the Universe, reaching a high vibration and reciting mantras to create what you desire.

All of this talk about manifesting money, I have to admit, intrigued me; especially at a time when I wanted more of it.


How to Stay Connected

Reflecting on my own backstory, over the last several years my Christian faith has been growing by leaps and bounds. Earlier in the year, I felt hesitant to publically speak about my Christian beliefs, fearing I would actually repel clients away from me.

Wandering around a bit aimlessly, I found myself surrounded by a lot of very spiritual people. 
Hearing these new buzzwords, I began to do my own research and realized that much of the manifesting concepts made sense to me. However, as I got deeper into writing out my mantras and talking to the universe, a few pieces just didn’t feel like “me.”

I desired to dig a little deeper into why it felt a little off, so I did. And what I discovered was this: there were a few distinct differences in my beliefs verses the beliefs of my more “spiritual” friends. (Please note, different beliefs are perfectly okay, but I needed to align these concepts with my own beliefs.)

That’s when I realized that “manifesting” can be achieved by staying 100% connected to God and to the Truth which believers tend to rely on: The Bible.

If you’re a follower of God and have been trying to apply manifesting methods into your faith life, but it hasn’t completely aligned with your overall beliefs, I’d love to share with you how I’ve gone about it and not only achieved immense peace, but real clients, real money, real happiness and the confidence to put faith at the forefront of my business.


1. Substitute ‘universe’ talk with ‘God’.

As John 10:10 states, “The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy. I came that they may have life and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).”

So, as we speak to God, rather than the “universe”, we know the Truth is that He is the maker of all things and has a Divine plan for each one of us. He wants us to make the most out of our gifts, to be a disciple of his Word and to serve others with love. God is the provider of all things.


2. Express gratitude.

Sometimes things don’t go our way, but in all things we must rejoice and be glad. We need to believe there’s a good reason for everything that is happening; this is God’s gift of peace.


Photo: © B-C-designs, YFS Magazine
Photo: © B-C-designs, YFS Magazine

Looking back there are plenty of times I didn’t get what I “desired” in life and business. Yet, I knew the importance of taking comfort and full trust in God’s timing. There are perfectly good reasons why we don’t get everything we want.

Hint: He has a bigger plan for us.

 Knowing this, we are to constantly and consistently give thanks to our Father for all things. It is through thanksgiving and praise that He leads us to prosperity.

Fix your attention on the blessings of your life and business, then more blessings will follow.


3. Rely (not on your own self-discovered truth, but) on the truth of God’s word.

To break long-standing beliefs (i.e. strongholds), we need to counter it with Truth. The truth lies inside the pretty leather-bound book sitting on your coffee table. All the answers about who you are inside.

If you are anxious, read about how God works for all that is good and how he commands us to trust in Him.
 If you are fearful, understand that God is with us, always. 
If you don’t feel you’re good enough, read about how you are God’s masterpiece
 in Ephesians 2:10.

If you are tired, read about how God gives you energy and strength to handle anything that comes your way.


4. Believe you have already received what you’ve asked, according to His will for your life (and business).

Our thoughts and prayers have creative power and can turn into reality. When we set our mind on what God wants for us and we pray constantly that we have received it, He will lead us to it.

One of my favorite verses, Mark 11:24 says, “I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

One of my favorite female Christian authors and speakers, Joyce Meyers puts it plainly by asserting, “Where the mind goes, the man follows.” Staying focused on positive thoughts and outcomes will be one of the major keys to you getting what you desire.


5. Focus less on money and more on serving others.

To receive the promises of His Kingdom, we are to follow his lead and live a life of righteousness. Essentially, God wants us to obey his Word and step out in love and kindness towards one another.

 A focus solely on money is not the goal.

We are to have upright intentions for how we use the money we acquire and not hoard it. But at the same time, money is a wonderful tool that can be used for good.

The solution: find balance.

 Rather than money being completely front-and-center, focus on how you can be of service to others. We should ask ourselves: How can we serve greatly? How can we provide value to others? How can we actively love one another?

So, there you have it … a few encouraging suggestions to bring your business in closer alignment with your faith and move you into the desires that God has for you.


This article has been edited and condensed.

Lyndsey Brent, founder of The Brent Group, is a dedicated Christian, mom, wife and business coach. She works with driven women entrepreneurs to create powerful client generation strategies and helps them have authentic and effective sales conversations so they can enroll clients more effortlessly, build the lifestyle they desire, and focus on the work they do best. 

Lyndsey is also the host of The Faith Focused Entrepreneur, a popular Facebook group. To learn more about Lyndsey and her coaching programs, visit lyndseybrent.com. Connect with @lynbrent on Twitter.


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