
7 Simple Ways To Create Your Abundant Life

Here's a look at 7 simple ways you can live an abundant life that benefits you and your business.

When we choose to have an awareness of abundance we are more inclined to give, risk, grow our businesses, get out of that comfort zone and remain open to possibilities. Here’s a look at 7 simple ways you can live an abundant life that benefits you and your business.


1. Cultivate gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most essential ingredients for happiness. How many times we make a conscious effort to stop and say “thank you” makes all of the difference. The mere fact of being alive, having a roof over your head, food on the table, a career, family and friends who support you is enough to fuel daily gratitude.

It is not always obvious, because you may have never gone without these things. Every night, before going to sleep, give thanks for at least five things that happened during your day. Notice how it starts to change your point of view. Pretty cool right?!


2. Spend time with those you love

The real luxury is not to have designer clothes or a fancy car, but to have the time to spend with the people we love. Each of us has 24 hours each day and it is up to us to make sure to use it well.


Photo: © Drobot Dean, YFS Magazine


3. Accept (and give) compliments

Compliments are gifts of prosperity, but how many times do you reject them because you are shy or maybe just think you are not worthy? When someone gives you a compliment, accept it with gratitude and love by simply saying, “Thank you!” And don’t forget to generously give sincere compliments to others as well. This is an amazing way to spread abundance.


4. Pay attention to your words

As human beings, we have the power to say good, or bad, things about ourselves and others. What words come out of our mouth? Are your words and thoughts filled with esteem, approval, and encouragement (abundance) or judgment and criticism (scarcity)?

Take a moment to review what you say to yourself and others. Instead of saying “I’m not capable of this,” remove the word not and affirm, “I am capable of this!” 
Abundance is directly related to the words you speak. Pay close attention to your internal dialogue and how you address others.


5. Create a wish list

Keep a wish list (i.e., places to see, a new business goal, people to meet, new recipes to try, etc.). This is another way to bring abundance into our lives. You can also add photographs or drawings to amplify the power of visualization by creating a vision board. Open your heart to a world of possibilities around you.


Photo: © hedgehog94, YFS Magazine
Photo: © hedgehog94, YFS Magazine


6. Smile

Science confirms that smiling is good for you and others who cross your path. “We automatically copy the facial expressions of others. We reciprocate and in social groups it can be contagious. People respond to, and evaluate, those who smile differently and more positively than those who do not.”

Smiling also opens the door of our heart, it gives a warm welcome to people we meet and simply put: a smile spreads positive vibes! The next time you answer the phone, smile and the other person will notice the change in your tone of voice and demeanor.


7. Make space, even physically

The only way to make room in our lives for even bigger things is to let go of all those situations, people, objects and emotions that no longer serve us or support our aspirations.


Photo: © YakobchukOlena, YFS Magazine
Photo: © YakobchukOlena, YFS Magazine

Clear the clutter to free up space mentally and in your personal space. Clearing out drawers and closets are also a way to liberate your inner space, often occupied by memories and emotions associated with things.

Give thanks for the people, places and things that once served you, but who have now exhausted their function and make room for something even better!


This article has been edited and condensed.

Francesca Matteini is a powerful and insightful entrepreneur who balances chakras with social media prowess. As a meditation coach, social media strategist and reiki master, her intent is to heal people in order to achieve their business goals in her own personal and fun way. Check out Fran’s free Chakra ebook at franmatteini.com. Connect with @fran_matteini on Twitter.


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