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4. Raise enough money the first time

Are you thinking of raising startup capital? As most experienced founders know, it is difficult to determine how much money you are going to need to raise the first time.

Growing pains are difficult enough, you don’t want to have to go back to your investors for a second or third round of funding because you won’t end up with any equity in your own company at the end of it. If you wanted to work for others you would have a real job, right?

5. Go “All-In”

In the world of startups, any time that you aren’t focused on your business is a waste of time.

When approaching a new industry whether it be a product or service there are other entrepreneurs and companies watching your every move and if you are not moving fast enough, they will beat you to it.

Before you go jumping in head first, check out my book, Start from Success. In my book, I teach both aspiring and established entrepreneurs ways to test an idea both online and offline to build a proven business model before you tell your boss what you think about his toupee.

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Photo Credit: Mango

Joel Goldstein is an Internet Marketing Consultant for Start-up Businesses with Peer Marketing Group. He wrote Amazon.com’s best selling book “A Professional’s Guide to Social Media”. Educated at Harvard University, Joel is currently an approved consultant to the United States Armed Services.

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