Small Business Financial Analysis Expert

Chris Myers

Chris Myers
Co-Founder and CEO, BodeTree

Chris Myers is the CEO and Co-Founder of BodeTree, a financial analysis, reporting, and optimization tool designed for small businesses. BodeTree works with QuickBooks to create an online financial analytics dashboard complete with professional reports and deep insights that typically require the use of an expensive consultant.

BodeTree takes the best financial tools used by Fortune 500 companies and makes them simple, affordable, and easy to use for small businesses.

Chris is passionate about small business and has extensive experience in business optimization, strategy development, financial reporting, and valuation.

Prior to founding BodeTree, he played a key role on the strategy team of a Fortune 500 company, provided valuation and financial opinions, and advised numerous small businesses, banks, and credit unions as a consultant and analyst. Chris graduated from Arizona State University with an undergraduate degree in finance and studied accounting and economics at Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

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