
5 Step Guide to Choosing a Business Structure

Whether you choose to operate as a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation, here's a useful graphical depiction of the process to help you decide what structure is best...

Are you ready to choose the best legal structure for your business? This is one of the most important steps you’ll take when you’re just getting started. Consider how you want to operate your business, the type of protection you’ll need and whether or not you desire sole ownership.

There are a ton of online resources, but if you’re looking for an overview to help navigate the process with ease our friends over at Business.com have taken the guesswork out of business formation. Whether you choose to operate as a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation, here’s a useful  graphical depiction of the process to help you decide what structure is best for your business.


Visit Business.com for more resources on How to Start a Business


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