
The Curator: Kids in Business, Disruptive Startups, Rainy Day Funding

Here's our weekly link roundup of small business buzz, musings and muchness. A curation of the best small business talk around the web.

The Curator

Here’s our weekly link roundup of small business buzz, musings and muchness. A curation of the best small business talk around the web.

Kids and Business: Nurturing Young Entrepreneurs. “My daughter has decided that she wants to open a candy store. Does this plan, out of the mind of a six-year-old, indicate an entrepreneurial streak? Perhaps.” (The Wall Street Journal)

Do Startups Really Need to be Disruptive? “Within the startup world, the most popular world these days is “disruptive”. If a start-up wants to make a splash and resonate with lots of users, it needs to be disruptive.” (Forbes)

Dear startups: Don’t treat money like toilet paper. “Startups, no matter how much money they’ve raised, should only spend capital on the things they absolutely need and should save the rest for a rainy day.” (CNet)

Turning the Unemployed Into Entrepreneurs. “Despite an economy that appears to be on the road to recovery, there are still too many Americans being laid off every day. So what are we going to do about it?” (ReadWriteWeb)

Education Startups Overtake Silicon Valley. “Those asking “what’s next?” in the world of innovative startups may not have envisioned educational tools to be leading the way, but such companies are finally getting the recognition they deserve.” (Business Insider)

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Photo Credit: Zara


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