
The Business of Creativity: Can the two be equals?

When you think about business and creativity, it creates a bit of a conundrum; somewhat of a chicken and egg scenario. We often find ourselves asking: “Which comes...

Business can be used to spread and cultivate creative ideas — acting as a sustaining force that creativity desperately needs (if it is destined to significantly impact the world).

I’ve come into contact with far too many creative people that lacked the business acumen to sustain their ideas.

Without execution an idea will always stay — an idea.

Business-minded entrepreneurs are aware of this. Thus, uniquely talented at holding up a magnifying glass to creativity and stewarding a seedling of an idea into profitability and sustainability.

In other words, at times creativity lives on without business — it’s just that good. But, this is an exception – not the rule.

The Perfect Union of Creativity and Business

Ideally, creativity and business should co-exist.

This union will come easily for some and painstakingly for others.

As successful entrepreneurs we should challenge ourselves to consider both — creativity and business — at each pivot. If you’re in an industry, particularly adverse to “creative notions” this may seem heretical (say a prayer for me).

Creativity shouldn’t be reserved only for your marketing team or advertising folks. Small businesses can boost creativity in almost every business function – from employee benefits to standardized operations.

Business too, should be deeply integrated into the core of every creative entrepreneur, begging the question “How can I multiply my idea and make it sustainable — and dare I say profitable.” Inevitably, you may be “called to” a particular area yet without acknowledging the economic reality that makes the world go round, you’re playing Russian roulette with your future.

“It’s a common belief that in order to live a highly creative life … you have to suffer. But it is, in fact, entirely possible to live a life that champions your creativity as well as paying the bills.”

Break the rules, examine your small business from another industry’s eyes, and discover what pains you about the current state of your business. You’ll find that a generous dose of creativity and business can cure most startup ailments.

Businesses that seek to marry the two, and forge a culture that embraces both seem to reside in a more perfect union.

Which is more important to you: business or creativity?

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Photo Credit: Money Clothing


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