
The Curator: Starting Company #2, Customers First, Patent Process, Legal Cost Savings, Accelerators and Funding

Here's our weekly link roundup of small business buzz, musings and muchness. A curation of the best small business talk around the web.

The Curator

Here’s our weekly link roundup of small business buzz, musings and muchness. A curation of the best small business talk around the web.

Why Most People Fail At Launching Their Second Companies
“For startups, a big part of the battle is becoming visible. It’s difficult to grow when nobody knows who you are. Unfortunately, the things that can make you visible, big ideas, big promises, and being a part of a hyped trend can end up being your downfall.” (Business Insider)

Why startups need to start putting customers first
“A company is not in business to create cool technology – it is in business to make money. And to make money, a company must have paying customers. It is a fundamental success factor in business. And it is one that is often overlooked particularly when a firm is just getting started.” (The Globe and Mail)

Finding Your Way Through The Patent Process: One Entrepreneur’s Story
“Entrepreneurs seeking protection for their ideas and inventions should understand the costs and risks involved–and first determine how a patent aligns with their business strategy.” (Fast Company)

How entrepreneurs are saving tens of thousands on legal bills
“Many startups spend more than $10,000 on legal bills over the course of their first year. For a bootstrapped startups, that can amount to more than 25 percent of the company’s startup capital.” (Venturebeat)

How Accelerators Help Startups Get Funding
Business accelerator programs offer startups low cost space, business services, talented employees, and contacts who can help find customers and partners in exchange for a small stake. Unlike business incubators, business accelerators are highly selective. But like anything worth having, getting your startup accepted by the best accelerators is a matter of winning a competition. But that is probably wise since most ventures fail.” (CNBC)

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Photo: Asos


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