
Are These Imaginary Startup Limits Holding You Back?

Here's a look at four limiting situations that could potentially hold a person back in business and limitless options on how to overcome them:


  1. My location is not ideal, I need to be there in person — or in another city.

    You may live in a market (i.e. town, city or state) that is not conducive to doing business. It may lack the infrastructure, capital, and ecosystems that promote the health of larger startup ecosystems across the globe. Or you may feel as though to grow your business, you need to physically be somewhere else.

    However, today’s globalized, technology-infused world empowers you to do business in Mumbai without ever setting foot on foreign soil. The same goes for your local, state, regional and national business efforts. If your location is not ideal, look for ways to turn it into an asset.

    As an individual your productivity caps out within 24 hour days. You can’t physically be all over the nation at one time, but with the aid of collaboration, technology and relentless pursuit — your business can grow beyond current demographic boundaries.

  2. I don’t have a company website, logo, etc. yet.

    How will you get your service to customers? Is your current means of delivering products to consumers effective? These are basic distribution challenges all businesses face. A distribution channel can include retailers, distributors, wholesalers, and even the Internet (i.e. a company website).

    These channels are either direct (i.e. allowing the consumer to buy from you), indirect (i.e. enabling the consumer to buy from others) or both. Consider, based on your unique business situation, which channel will improve your time to market along with meeting other variable needs such as costs, infrastructure, etc. Then create a plan to master that channel. For example, if you choose to first create a company website first, focus and make it a priority.

  3. I need the right tools and resources.

    Every business needs specific resources and tools to operate. This can include equipment, hardware, software, land, buildings, etc. If you find yourself without adequate resources, seek to partner with someone who has access to what you need or find a creative way to conduct business without it in the short-term.

    For example, if you want to start an accounting firm, you may need specific industry-standard software. Especially if you lack knowledge or experience to tackle more complicated tax situations. Really good accounting software can eliminate the guesswork. But if you don’t have it yet consider utilizing free and low-cost software options to start. While they may not offer the same bells and whistles, one satisfied client is better than none at all.

As you can see, limitless startups are the future — will you join us?


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