
Before You Lease Office Space Consider These 5 Tips

Consider these five things before you say yes to your next office space lease.

When it comes to leasing commercial office space for your small business there are a number of different things to consider. It goes without saying that the financial side of things cannot be ignored and the amount of money you pay in rent will naturally influence your final decision. However, there are other factors that shouldn’t be ignored when leasing office space.

Consider these five things before you say yes to your next office space lease.


  1. Office Space Layout

    The layout of your office might not seem essential, but it is actually quite important for the smooth business operations on a day to day basis. How desks are positioned and who sits where can have a big impact on productivity, culture, and interpersonal relationships of your staff. Departments should be combined together and managers should be close to their staff. You may also find it helpful to organize management with other roles in a central location, allowing them to mingle with the staff, rather than being segregated to corner offices. Hot desking (multiple workers using a single physical work station during different time periods) is another option to consider since it is beneficial to collaboration and engagement.

  2. Office Location

    Where your office is located (geographically) is also to a key consideration. First, think about where the majority of your customers are located. If your industry thrives in one particular city, it makes sense to have an office close by. Meanwhile, if potential customers and industry connections are scattered across the country (or even the world) you may find more free reign and can pick a location that suits you best.

  3. Scalable Office Space

    Can your office space be expanded to fit the staffing needs of a growing startup? While you may start off with few staff, as you expand you will eventually need more office space. A small office may be ideal and cheaper to start, but you could outgrow that space very quickly. Fast growth with unscalable office space can potentially cost you more in the long run.

  4. Office Design

    This probably seems like the most insignificant thing… but how you decorate your office is actually quite important. While it might be a place where your employees are based it is also an extension of your brand. Your company’s color scheme and brand identity should be visible throughout your office space. Notepads, pens and other office supplies  should all carry your company logo to reinforce your brand internally and illustrate the best impression to guests.

  5. Office Overhead Cost Cutting

    Keeping costs down is essential to your future success. Renting a new office space is  a large expense for most small businesses. Therefore, seek ways to balance the cost by reducing waste in other areas. Consider creating a paperless office. Meanwhile, recycling paper and other office supplies can help you save money. Also consider using environmentally friendly office products and high-quality supplies and fixtures that will last longer — thus saving money in the long-run.

Rhys Foley is a freelance writer writing on behalf of One Heddon Street, flexible office space solutions. Rhys enjoys keeping his finger on the pulse of the technology and business sector.


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