
Great brand advertising doesn’t just reach people, it influences them.

Sponsored Content & Guest Posts

YFS Magazine is an industry leading business media publisher that helps brands build online authority, brand awareness, traffic and revenue. We do this by publishing and promoting top-tier content to our global audience.

Our readers are young, affluent and educated small business owners and global C-Suite business leaders who are the decision makers and purchase influencers of their growing companies.

  • Who we work with
  • What we do

We work with digital marketers, content marketers, guest bloggers, link building and SEO agencies and business owners to:

Provide in-content relevant links
Increase brand authority and online reputation
Build brand awareness and consideration
Drive targeted website traffic

Our highly skilled editorial team creates original content. We also accept content (i.e., guest posts), across many industries including – but not limited to – business, travel, education, health, technology, finance, healthcare to name a few.

Partner with YFS Magazine to support your link-building campaigns, content marketing, and overall brand-building initiatives.

Build online authority, increase brand awareness, and improve search engine rankings.

Request media kit and rates

Securing native content programs and guest posts with high authority publications is a proven way to boost your Google ranking and drive more traffic to your site. Gain access to high-quality, natural, white-hat links in YFS Magazine.

In order to match you with content products to best meet your objectives, please share a brief overview of your current campaign needs.

Sponsored Content
What is the goal of your campaign (e.g. increase brand awareness, drive traffic, generate leads, increase downloads, build thought leadership etc.)?
Please share any comments or questions you have here.
Establish industry credibility, contribute to influential small business conversations, and build your brand.

Did you know? Content marketing can help you gain high quality, natural, white-hat, in-content links to your website in order to improve search engine rankings and encourage more referral traffic to your company website.