
We Interrupt this Broadcast: 5 Ways NOT to Pitch Your Company to the Media

Here are five unruly behaviors that could get your company blacklisted or blatantly ignored by a member of the news media … forever.

2. Abstain from asking (stalking) every week, “Did you get my email?”

More than likely they got it. And (are you sitting down for this one) it’s highly likely that they weren’t interested if you haven’t received a response three months later. It doesn’t mean that your company is horrible – it may not be a fit or simply not of interest.

3. Don’t send mass emails to news outlets.

The quickest way to get your company blacklisted is to send mass emails. In today’s market personalization is a part of a winning strategy. Most mass emails, unless it’s a “targeted” press release will find themselves in the trash. I’d also be willing to bet that your competition is using a one-on-one approach and building relationships – that trumps a “mass email” every time.

4. Don’t send lengthy “epistle-like” email pitches.

Receiving 10,000 word emails is mind boggling for anyone. In the age of Twitter, texting and social media brevity is sovereign. If you can’t concisely share who, what, when, where, why and how with a story angle – hit “Save as Draft” and come back to it.

5. Don’t be ridiculously unfamiliar with the media outlet you’re pitching to.

Jonathan Fields said it best, “Show at least a modicum of interest in what I do and what I write about. Show me you’ve read at least a single post. Build at least a smidge of rapport before you ask me or any other blogger to do you a favor. And, don’t address me as “Mr. Jonathan Fields Self Help.” That’s just piling on.”


And for a bit of fun, Ann Friedman shared a bit of #realtalk from your editor that illustrates a humorous yet serious take on what editors are really thinking when they receive a bad pitch.

In all fairness, while these tips highlight bad pitching techniques I’d be remiss to ignore the fact that there are just as many remarkable pitches as well. Hopefully these tips will help you get your best ideas and news in front of the right contacts.

What are some more examples of “pitches gone wrong?” Let me know about it in the comments below.

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Photo Credit: Mango


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