
3 Ways to Market your Business and Build your Brand Using Twitter

Not convinced that Twitter is a useful marketing tool for your business? Here are three simple ways to use Twitter as a strategic business tool to gain instant...

2. Deliver social proof and testimonials.

Have you been painstakingly asking customers to leave feedback about your products and services? If so, you may want to take to Twitter instead. Followers that are engaged with your brand and truly interested in what you have to say are more than likely already sharing feedback about your company.

Whenever someone tweets something favorable about your brand, mark it as a favorite and refer people to your social media testimonials on all of your online marketing communications. It’s a simple and easy way to build a testimonial repository and will definitely reinforce your value to prospects.

3. Track your brand mentions and reward others for sharing your message.

Social media is indeed a conversation. If your followers are sharing your brand, amplify their messages as well by retweeting (RT) their comments to your social circle. “For businesses and brands, these conversations provide a rich canvas and a powerful context in which to connect your messages and your brand to what people are talking about right now.”

Not only will you build your brands’ social influence, but you’ll also provide relevant information to your followers outside of your messages. This will help you create even more value for those that trust you and like you enough to include your conversations in their twitter feed.

How do you use Twitter to grow your business? Let me know in the comments section below.

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Photo Credit: DKNY




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