
3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Hand Me Your Business Card (At Least Not So Quickly)

Before you hand out one more business card consider this ...

For women this comes naturally.

“Love your shoes. Where did you find them?”

For men, if you see a guy wearing his favorite team jersey, it can easily be accomplished with, “Hey man, did you see that game last night?!” Then transition and get to the point. People appreciate up-front honesty.

Sure you can play the numbers game, and depending on your business model it may make sense.

However, whether we like to admit it or not, business is about building relationships.

Once a relationship or quick connection is built, then engage and offer: “We should keep in touch; can I give you my business card?

3. Realize the value of your opportunity and never beg for a sale.

Do you truly understand the value of your company’s offering? If you did then you wouldn’t beg or debase yourself for one more sale or hand over a business card to someone who is not at all interested.

Believe me. If you have to beg them to buy you’ll have to convince them to stay. And that sale could easily turn into the customer from hell.

It’s been my experience that high maintenance customers can curtail your profit and give your team insomnia. The reality is this: If I have to lead you to water and force, manipulate or compel you to drink, our business relationship has become unproductive and unprofitable.

Many successful entrepreneurs realize that “sacrificing revenue is inconceivable to many business owners. But dealing with difficult clients can end up costing much more than the money they bring in.”

“Bad clients happen to good people. If you find yourself faced with a client from hell, join the club. Every small business person I’ve dealt with and counseled has a war story to tell. But understand that you do not have to tolerate it,” says John Ghegan, COO at Willman & Co., a Jacksonville-based advertising and public relations agency.

Great business relationships are built upon mutual respect and the fulfillment of a need.  If you know the value you bring the table you’re less likely to put up with bad client behavior.

If by chance you find you’re dealing with more headaches than necessary, it may be time to exorcize that client from hell, and regain your respect and dignity.

Connect with Erica Nicole on Twitter.

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Photo Credit: Benetton


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