
Five Health and Wellness Tips for Home Based Entrepreneurs

Incorporate these five health strategies jnto your workday.

4. Make time to move.

If you find yourself skipping workouts, a little too easily, when you work from home then it’s time to implement a strict exercise strategy. After all, it isn’t about having time to exercise, it’s about making the time. Because in all honesty, chances are pretty slim that extra time will ever surface. But luckily, as an entrepreneur, you have killer productivity skills to make this possible, yes?

The easiest way to find time for a workout is to take advantage of your nonexistent commute! If you used to head to an office between 7 and 8 am and back home again between  5 and 6 pm, these two time slots would make perfect sense for squeezing in a workout. You’ve gained this time by bringing your business home, so might as well put it towards moving your body.

You need to treat this like a must on your to-do list, not an “if I get around to it” task. Besides, exercising in the morning is a great way to oxygenate body and mind before the workday, while exercising in the evening can serve as the ultimate stress-reliever. Win-win.

5. Take regular breaks.

Keeping your body in shape is important, but you need to keep your mind sharp, too. And since more evidence is indicating that taking regular short breaks, is actually beneficial for focus and productivity than going longer periods without, be sure to get up from your desk, stretch those legs, maybe refill your glass with lemon water and come back, refocused and ready to roll.

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Photo: Vanessa Perrone

Vanessa Perrone is a nutritionist, speaker, media contributor and founder of Motive Nutrition, a counseling and communications company with forthcoming online programs aimed at spreading nutrition knowledge and cooking confidence to a wider audience. Through her own health-centered business, she has developed a unique perspective on how to balance personal health and business health.  For tips, recipes and motivation, connect with her on the Motive Nutrition Blog,  Twitter @VanPerroneFacebook or subscribe to her channel on YouTube.

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