
Finally, 4 Practical Ways To Overcome The Fear Of Entrepreneurship

Mindset hurdles and limiting beliefs can get in the way of even the most ambitious aspiring entrepreneurs.

Photo: Marie Lexa, Business Strategist; Source: Courtesy Photo
Photo: Marie Lexa, Business Strategist; Source: Courtesy Photo

Mindset hurdles and limiting beliefs can get in the way of even the most ambitious aspiring entrepreneurs.

Many budding entrepreneurs, who despite unstoppable drive and sky-high work ethic, feel stuck — not knowing how to take the next step and build their business.

This is often related to fear of visibility, due to a lack of confidence or the feeling of not being “expert” enough. Others fear what others will think, rejection, failure, etc.

Fear can paralyze you, keep you in desperate situations, and stop you from building the successful business you’ve envisioned. Before you can begin overcoming fear, you have to be aware that your fears are causing havoc in your life. Identify. Get specific about what exactly you’re afraid of. Once you do this, these barriers are possible to overcome.

Here’s a look at four practical ways to break past these barriers and set your potential free.


1. Realize you don’t need to be the most advanced expert in the room

Many aspiring entrepreneurs feel they have not yet reached the “expert status” required to put themselves out there. They feel they need to know everything related to their field before getting started.

In reality, business is about problem solving, and expertise is relative. You are a relative expert in your field if you know how to help others solve a particular problem. If you have a solution to a deep pain point, you can leverage that as the foundation of your business.

“Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience.” – Denis Waitley


Photo: © WavebreakMediaMicro, YFS Magazine
Photo: © WavebreakMediaMicro, YFS Magazine

The learning curve is endless in entrepreneurship, so your expertise, offering, and audience will evolve in all cases. It is your story, your personality, and your experience more than anything that will help you become relatable and attract clients.

Being merely a few steps ahead of your client is a lot more powerful for them than working with someone who is years ahead (and whose strategies might not even be applicable anymore).


2. Let go of comparisonitis

It is easy to see someone who already has an established business, and forget that everybody starts in the same place. Although looking up to others for inspiration can be valuable, entrepreneurs tend to get stuck in a comparison trap. This trap negatively impacts confidence, focus, progress, and productivity, and does not serve our success.

In these situations, being told to be patient is the last thing ambitious and hard-working entrepreneurs want to hear (although patience is a trait worth cultivating. As Gary Vaynerchuk puts it, entrepreneurship is not a tactic but a lifestyle, in which ambition needs to be balanced with patience).


Photo: © LanaK, YFS Magazine
Photo: © LanaK, YFS Magazine

This is why it is important to stay not only results-driven, but also to celebrate how far you’ve come and trust the process. Everybody’s journey is unique and different. Embracing the fact that everything is happening as it should, and that setbacks are preparing you for growth, is very powerful.

Remember and celebrate your achievements, and allow yourself the time you need to learn and create.


3. Commit to embracing change

A common hurdle all entrepreneurs face is feeling uncomfortable about what others may think about our new plans and dreams. The first step is to never feel guilty about change. People who are comfortable where they are will always resist growth, and hence may not always be supportive — this usually has nothing to do with you.

Instead, be proud of your commitment and actions towards your dreams. Turn yours fears into excitement. Starting something new and applying newly acquired knowledge takes creative courage.

As one of my mentors says “flip the switch”: anytime negative feelings or limiting beliefs pop up, turn them around and make yourself unavailable for any thoughts that are holding you back or that are not aligned with your goals.


Photo: © Alliance, YFS Magazine
Photo: © Alliance, YFS Magazine

Adopt a growth mindset by taking an outside perspective rather than getting caught up in your thoughts. Turn fear into a learning opportunity and a compelling reason to take action.


4. Know you don’t have to do it alone

One of the most powerful ways to build up confidence and get where you want to be is to find someone who has done what you want to achieve and who can help you get there. Mentorship and support are crucial, especially in the early stages of your business or when you are plateauing and want to grow to the next level.

Getting support can help you reach your goals more quickly and provide accountability. Support will also lift those fears of failure because you are following a tried and true system.


Photo: © william87, YFS Magazine
Photo: © william87, YFS Magazine

Building a business is nothing new. By following the right processes and putting in the work you will get results. Being aware of this concept is so powerful. Suddenly all the overwhelming milestones are broken down into steps, and everything becomes doable.

Keep in mind, when you are starting out you will most likely be wearing multiple hats. However delegating and outsourcing can happen pretty quickly. Once you delegate you will be able to focus on what you are best at!


This article has been edited and condensed.

Marie Lexa, a Business Strategist and coach, empowers entrepreneurial women to build thriving businesses and lifestyles entirely on their own terms. Marie is passionate about redefining success and leveraging talent and creativity to create a life in which freedom, money, and balance are abundant. She believes that a woman can “have it all” and should not need to compromise on any of her desires. Marie’s background is in strategy consulting, after graduating from London Business School. She has learned from and worked with leaders in the industry, including Marie Forleo, Amy Porterfield, Stephanie Nickolich, Emily Williams, Dani Watson, and Jacqueline Hurst. For more information, visit Marie at Marie Lexa and download your free training to pick your lucrative niche. Connect with @marielexacoach on Twitter.


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