
How To Be Accountable For Your Own Success

When you prioritize accountability you take charge of outcomes that result from your actions. 

So how do we become (and remain) accountable?

Photo: Stephen Dela Cruz; Credit:
 Stegela Photography
Photo: Stephen Dela Cruz; Credit:
 Stegela Photography

We are responsible for everything we do, or don’t do, right? That’s called accountability. Being an adult and facing the consequences of your actions, whether they are positive or negative. Yet, we often struggle to keep our word when it comes to doing things all on our own.

We take our word too lightly, and then determine we don’t actually want to do what we had set out to do.

Nonetheless, we go back and forth between wanting to make our dreams come true, and doing what we want at all times, and wonder why we are not getting anywhere! But we fail to recognize that keeping busy and being productive are not the same thing. Doing too much can take you nowhere very quickly.


Stay on track

So what’s the best way to stay on the right track? 

Lets analyze a famous quote by the late Zig Ziglar: 

”People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing–that’s why we recommend it daily.”

Staying motivated, like keeping yourself clean, is a habit you have to cultivate in order to do it successfully. But sometimes, finding the right things to do can be difficult when you don’t have a clear idea of where you are going. That’s where personal motivation kicks in.


Photo: Averie Woodard, Unsplash
Photo: Averie Woodard, YFS Magazine


This includes all of the positive things you tell yourself, everything you have learned and allowed to take residence in your head. 

Every day we are subjected to criticism that we cannot always control, direct or indirect, but we are accountable for what we accept.

We can let the negative comments of others hurt us, encourage us, or neither, that’s up to us. We cannot control what anyone else says. Instead, we are accountable for what we do with their words once they’ve been said.


Take charge of outcomes

When you prioritize accountability you take charge of outcomes that result from your actions. 

So how do we become (and remain) accountable?


Point your motivation in the right direction

Now you know what’s holding you back, you can do something about it. If you hear a negative comment, think: “How can this help me get closer to my goal?” If it doesn’t, discard it and if its helpful, write it down and think about how you can apply the advice.


Find an accountability buddy

Surround yourself with inspirational words and people. An accountability buddy is someone you trust to keep you on track. This person should be reliable, responsible, and have a similar drive as yours (if not more). Why? Because this person will call you out when you’re not keeping your word. Find someone whose goals are big and visionary, backed by a positive attitude.


Execute your plan

Once you set your direction and share your plan with an accountability buddy, put all of your energy into every action. If you don’t invest effort into each step, direction and a support system won’t help. The first two steps enable you to execute your plan.

Many things are out of our control. Focusing on this will get in the way of your dreams and goals. However, your attitude is what will determine your destination. A motivated attitude along with someone in your corner can pave the way for this third step to unfold.


Stephen Dela Cruz is a national best selling author, speaker and serial entrepreneur who specializes in helping budding entrepreneurs double their income in their first year. He’s built several 7-figure businesses and in his book, Entrepreneursh*t he shares strategies around time and money management to help beginning entrepreneurs soar. Connect with @StephenJDCruz on Twitter.




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