Photo: Drobot Dean, YFS Magazine, Adobe Stock

10 Step Guide To Prepare for An Interview Like A Pro

A job interview gives you a chance to show your qualifications and make a good impression on the hiring team. Consider these 10 steps to get prepare prepared.

You have been selected for the big interview. Now is your chance to impress. You can keep your head together and perform at the highest level by preparing ahead.


1. Do your research on the company

While you will have the basics of your research before you submit your application, now is the time for deeper analysis.

Photo: Austin Andrukaitis, CEO of ChamberofCommerce.com | Source: Courtesy Photo
Photo: Austin Andrukaitis, CEO of ChamberofCommerce.com | Source: Courtesy Photo

Which of their current projects are a key priority? Are they in the news? What are their clients? Who will interview you? For more information, visit the website, magazines, newspapers, and social media.

Interviewers will appreciate you taking the time to learn about the company’s activities. It may help to do some research about the interviewers (e.g., a quick glance at their LinkedIn pages) to reduce nerves.


2. Take care of your personal hygiene

Your first impression can make or break the interview. It’s important to be looking your best when presenting yourself in an interview.

  • Get a haircut – Take a quick trip to the barbershop
  • Get a manicure – For the men who don’t do this, you can simply cut your fingernails.
  • Whiten your teeth – You can use simple products like whitening toothpaste or at-home kits.
  • Shave – If you have facial or bodily hair make sure it’s cleaned up


3. Prepare answers to common interview questions

The job description and skills needed for the position should give you an idea of the types of questions that could be asked about you and your experience. Make a list of possible questions and take notes on what you would say. But don’t worry if your answers aren’t in the right box. Interviews are a chance for you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills, but also your personality. Personal projects, hobbies, or other relevant examples might be useful to the interviewer. All of these factors will show why you are the right match for the job.


4. Learn about career advancement and training opportunities

While the role is important, it’s not the only thing that matters. It is worth looking into the context of the role and the company to better understand the possible career paths. This will show that you care about the role long-term, and you can respond to questions regarding your career plans and ideal career progression directly to the company to which you are applying.

Are there any courses or qualifications that you feel would be applicable to the job you are applying for? You could indicate an interest in learning and development opportunities if it feels right during your interview. This is a wonderful example of your initiative, but it shouldn’t be the focus of the interview.


5. Plan your route ahead of time

It is important to know where you are going, and how long it will take you there. You can go online to find the fastest way to get there. Make sure you add extra time to make sure you are covered. You don’t want to arrive late or flustered.


6. Decide what you want to wear

You don’t want to be in a panic when you go shopping for the right outfit on the morning of your interview. You can focus on the important things by planning what you will wear a few days in advance.


7. Consider questions you would like to be asked

There will be things that come up during your research that you want to learn more about. These questions should be clearly written out for the interviewer. This will prevent awkward silences when asked questions.


8. Practice the interview with your family or friends

It can be helpful to imagine what it will feel like to be in an interview. It will help to practice questions and answers with family, friends, or mentors.


9. Take a look at your notes

You can re-familiarize yourself with the questions and answers that you have prepared, but don’t worry about remembering every detail. You will be able to grasp the main points and not have to ‘script-read’ your answers. However, it may help you to create a list from your CV of key skills, qualifications, and experiences that you would like to cover.


10. Get a good night’s rest

If you are stifling yawns during the interview, it will undermine your preparations. You will be more alert and refreshed, which will help you deal with any unexpected situations.

Each interview is unique and you might have less time to prepare. Although these steps can be simplified, the important thing is to do your best to make sure you are ready to go to an interview with confidence and calm.


Austin Andrukaitis is the CEO of ChamberofCommerce.com. He’s an experienced digital marketing strategist with many years of experience in creating successful online campaigns. Austin’s approach to developing, optimizing, and delivering web-based technologies has helped businesses achieve higher profit, enhance productivity, and position organizations for accelerated sustained growth.


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