
Business Coach Khadijah Safari Helps Women Startup And Scale Big

As the CEO of UK-based Safari MMA, a women’s only martial arts club, Khadijah’s business savvy has earned her a reputation as a sought-after business coach.

Navigating the business world is challenging. Perhaps that’s why only about half of small businesses make it to the five-year mark, and a mere third reach the 10-year milestone. Looking at such numbers one can easily determine the significance of business mentorship to access invaluable insights and tested strategies that can make or break a venture.

One name that stands out in the world of business coaching is Khadijah Safari, an entrepreneur and business coach dedicated to helping women achieve six and seven figure dream businesses. As the CEO of UK-based Safari MMA, a women’s only martial arts club, she has built a proven track record for 13 years and counting. Khadijah’s business savvy has earned her a reputation as a sought-after business coach, particularly among women from minority groups.

Her unique 1:1 Business Mentor Coaching program is built on foundational principles of willpower, hunger, and action. Khadijah’s coaching program is a highly exclusive opportunity for a few women ready to take their next step in life. The program delivers a unique and tailored experience, reflecting her commitment to providing personalized guidance.


Success requires willpower, hunger and action

Khadijah’s coaching philosophy revolves around three central pillars: willpower, hunger, and action. This rigorous selection benchmark ensures Khadijah works with individuals who are ready to invest and commit to the intensive process of building a six to seven figure dream business.


Willpower: The foundation of success

Willpower is the driving force that propels individuals toward their goals. In the business world, where challenges are as common as opportunities, having the determination to navigate the highs and lows becomes paramount. Khadijah, through her mentorship, instills a sense of unwavering willpower in aspiring women entrepreneurs. Her own journey, marked by resilience and tenacity, serves as a testament to the transformative power of sheer determination.


Hunger: An insatiable appetite for growth

Success in business often hinges on an insatiable hunger for growth and improvement. Khadijah recognizes the importance of this hunger, pushing her mentees to constantly seek opportunities for expansion and innovation. Her coaching goes beyond traditional strategies, encouraging a mindset that embraces change, challenges, and continuous learning.


Action: Transform dreams into reality

Dreams remain dreams without decisive action. Khadijah emphasizes the significance of translating aspirations into tangible actions. Her mentorship guides women not only in envisioning success but also in crafting actionable plans to achieve it.


Who benefits from business mentorship?

Mentorship, according to Khadijah, is seeking guidance from someone who has already achieved the goals one aspires to reach. Her coaching program caters to women who:

  • aspire to achieve significant goals in various aspects of life.
  • seek to build a substantial, job-replacing business.
  • value guidance from someone who has walked the path they aim to traverse.
  • are serious about leveraging Instagram as a tool to create a 6-7 figure dream business.

For female entrepreneurs who embody these qualities, Khadijah is a mentor who is dedicated to helping clients unlock their full potential required to build a dream business. Through personalized guidance, Khadijah aims to empower women to break free from limitations, seize opportunities, and build businesses that align with their values and aspirations.

Khadijah’s podcast, “Beyond Borders: Faith and Business by Khadijah Safari,” complements her mission to empower women in the business world by sharing inspiring stories and actionable tips from experienced female entrepreneurs.

To join her mentorship program, visit khadijahsafari.co.uk.


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