
Great brand advertising doesn’t just reach people, it influences them.

Sponsored Content for Brands, Marketers, SEO and PR Professionals

YFS Magazine is an industry leading business media publisher that helps brands build online authority, brand awareness, traffic and revenue. We do this by publishing and promoting top-tier content to our global audience.

Our readers are young, affluent and educated small business owners and global C-Suite business leaders who are the decision makers and purchase influencers of their growing companies.

  • Who we work with
  • What we do

We work with digital marketers, content marketers, guest bloggers, link building and SEO agencies and business owners to:

Provide in-content relevant links
Increase brand authority and online reputation
Build brand awareness and consideration
Drive targeted website traffic


Our highly skilled editorial team creates original content. We also accept content (i.e., guest posts), across many industries including – but not limited to – business, travel, education, health, technology, finance, healthcare to name a few.

Partner with YFS Magazine to support your link-building campaigns, content marketing, and overall brand-building initiatives.

Build online authority, increase brand awareness, and improve search engine rankings.

Submission Standards

Securing native content programs and guest posts with high authority publications is a proven way to boost your Google ranking and drive more traffic to your site. Gain access to high-quality, natural, white-hat links in YFS Magazine.

Articles submitted for consideration should be of interest to readers of YFS Magazine. We like articles that introduce new ideas and advance conversations around topics and trends that engage our readers–think op-ed rather than thinly veiled marketing messages with no valuable takeaways.

We appreciate lively, polished writing that balances research or news with fun and memorable anecdotes or examples that help illustrate your point of view.

While we encourage drawing from your own experiences in business to support your ideas, over-the-top self-promotion (of yourself or your company) will prevent us from publishing your article. The same goes for dense jargon and abstract, blanket assertions.

Submissions should be unique, well organized, and of high quality. Anything derivative, too abstract, unclear, meandering, or lacking a clear purpose or take-away will be rejected. Personal takes and opinions are welcome, but diary-like blog posts are not.

Read YFS Magazine to get a sense of our editorial style and content to view examples written in a similar vein. Sponsored content should be complete and ready for publishing.  

A Note on Links

A maximum number of permanent DoFollow links and NoFollow citation links per submission are indicated via an Insertion Order and/or Invoice. Links must be clean URLs (i.e., semantic URLs) that are readable and intuitively represent the underlying resource as well as relevant to the subject matter of the content. An example of a clean URL is: yfsmagazine.com/startups/top-startup-tips. Inquire about our analytics Package upgrade, $99 per article, to convert Do-follow URLs to tracking URLs.

A Note on Editorial Images

YFS Magazine provides a maximum of two editorial images per article, one hero image and one in-article image. YFS Magazine is the end licensee for all published images to ensure correctly held usage rights and attribution for legal purposes. If you own the rights to an image(s) you’d like to publish, please include the photographers full name and contact information, in order to submit a photo release form.


To get started, here’s a brief look at our submissions standards. All sponsored content should be:

relevant to our readership engaged in startups, small business and entrepreneurship

written in fluent U.S. or British English, well organized, and free of spelling, grammatical, and language issues (we recommend Grammarly – it’s free)

submitted as final copy, between 500 and 750 words

evidential of cited sources to properly credit original authors when using quotes, data, case studies, statistics, etc.; hyperlinks should be relevant and support the citation

original content – plagiarism is strictly impermissible

proofread with the assumption that no editing will be necessary

correctly formatted for HTML

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Establish industry credibility, contribute to influential small business conversations, and build your brand.

Did you know? Content marketing can help you gain high quality, natural, white-hat, in-content links to your website in order to improve search engine rankings and encourage more referral traffic to your company website.