
Submit a Change Order Request


If at any point a submitted URL becomes invalid or broken, due to the destination web page having been moved or no longer exists, notify our team and the existing link will be updated to the existing second-level domain (SLD) (i.e., name of your website) and top-level domain (TLD), for example, “.com”.


If you would like to submit a new replacement link, complete the Skip the Line Change Order form below. Each change request incurs a $49 fee.

Skip the Line – Change Order Request

Full Name
Full Name
Submitter's First Name
Submitter's Last Name
Enter the legal name of the Submitter's company or the official DBA, "doing business as" name.
For internal use only. Submitter's email.

Change Order Request

Confirm the existing link of your article on our site.
Confirm the existing link of your article on our site.
Confirm the existing link of your article on our site.
Confirm the existing link in your article assigned with the "Dofollow" HTML attribute.
Confirm the existing link in your article assigned with the "Dofollow" HTML attribute.
Confirm the existing link in your article assigned with the "Dofollow" HTML attribute.
Optional. 500 characters max.

Skip the Line Concierge

YFS Magazine Guest Posting Service


Fast track your guest post to build brand recognition and search engine visibility with our VIP guest posting service for Entrepreneurs, Content Marketers, PR Professionals, SEO Managers, Brand Experts, Freelance Writers, and Growth Companies. Receive expedited, guaranteed review and publication of your submission within 24 to 48 hours – and increased visibility in YFS Magazine, on our official social media channels, search engines, and more.

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YFS Magazine Skip the Line Concierge - Submission Standards

Submission Standards

Articles submitted for consideration should be of interest to readers of YFS Magazine. We like articles that introduce new ideas and advance conversations around topics and trends that engage our readers–think op-ed rather than thinly veiled marketing messages with no valuable takeaways.

While we encourage drawing from your own experiences in business to support your ideas, over-the-top self-promotion (of yourself or your company) will prevent us from publishing your article. The same goes for dense jargon and abstract, blanket assertions.

YFS Magazine Skip the Line - Submit a Guest Post

Submission Guidelines & Checklist

Our primary goal is to deliver quality content. We’d be honored to have you share your experiences, lessons learned, best practices, or things that worked and failed. Our Business Contributors range from experienced writers to first-timers.

Please read this Guest Post Checklist prior to submitting content to YFS Magazine. It will greatly improve your chances of being accepted.

Your Rights and Ours

Content must be the sole property of you the “Contributor” and must not violate the copyright, patent, trademark, right of privacy or publicity, or any other legal rights of any person or entity. If you are a third-party submitting content on another party’s behalf, you must have expressed permission and authorization to do so. You retain all rights to your work. However, by submitting a guest post, you grant YFS Magazine a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable license to the content, which YFS Magazine may use and distribute (along with your name and identifying features) on its websites, applications, and other properties and those of its affiliates and business partners, as well as for marketing and promotional purposes, online or offline, in any medium and mode of delivery. Given the real-time nature of content development and distribution, all sales are final. Once payment is made, and your submission is published, it is non-refundable. By submitting guest posts to YFS Magazine you indicate acceptance of our Guest Contributor Agreement.