
Four Practical Ways to Get Unstuck and Accomplish More

Here are four practical ways that every small business owner can accomplish more this year and get unstuck.

3. Eliminate distractions.

Think about the last time you were distracted. What was the result of that particular interruption?

Does it seem that distractions creep in every time you make a commitment to get something accomplished in business? It can often feel like everyone around you immediately starts craving more of your attention and time.

This is where it is important to set ground rules each day and establish a schedule that prioritizes the people and the business you love. Whether it is email, a spouse, friends, or high-maintenance clients — everyone can become a potential distraction when it comes down to the wire in business.

To eliminate distractions–which cultivate stress–make sure that you set expectations early. Many people are unaware of the consequences of constant interruptions. According to Maggie Jackson, the author of Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age (Prometheus Books, 2008), “[Distractions] foster a culture of lost threads, stunted thinking, and stress.”

Jackson suggest that, “When we’re constantly losing the thread of what we’re trying to do, it becomes difficult to define and pursue goals. New ideas get abandoned and forgotten before they have a chance to develop. When we’re rushing between tasks, we don’t have room for serendipity or epiphany; creativity has neither time nor space to take root.”

4. Act incrementally on a daily basis.

A big project can easily make you feel overwhelmed. So at the first sign of duress start taking smaller steps. This may be counter-intuitive to some but it is quite necessary for others. The big picture is important but it is the consistency of micro-movements (daily steps) that make accomplishment a business reality.

Don’t be afraid to take smaller steps when projects become overwhelming. It is better than doing nothing at all.

How do you get unstuck in business? Let me know in the comments section below.

Connect with Erica Nicole on Twitter.

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Photo: Bloomingdales



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