
Find Your Life Purpose By Asking These 3 Questions

Your life purpose is the driving force behind everything you do. These 3 questions helped me find my purpose in life and business.

The Life Buddy, Jennifer Hal
Photo: Jennifer Hall; Credit: © Strawberry Studios

Have you ever wondered how to find your life purpose?

Sure. Most of us have. When I started my online coaching business, one of the ways I was able to feel on fire, on a mission and become visible in my ideal clients eyes, was to discover my life’s purpose.

If you want to find your life purpose, then it isn’t just about what you were born to do. It’s about what you were born to contribute, your unique super power and your ability to change the world in a way that feels fulfilling and exciting!

When you find your life purpose your mission becomes clear and your business becomes so passion fueled that it would take more than an army of scary zombies to hold you back. Your life purpose is the driving force behind everything you do. Where there’s passion in line with your life’s purpose, an abundance of fulfillment and wealth are sure to follow.

Here are 3 questions I had to ask myself; questions that helped me find my purpose in life and business:


1. What did you want to ‘be’ or ‘do’ as a child?

As children, we know intuitively what our purpose in life is and we express that through what we project into the future as our career choice. We know what we want and we aren’t afraid of saying it, because there is no such thing as impossible.

Obviously, as children we have a very limited perspective on what is available to us (i.e. choices), so we have take a deeper look at the reasons behind why we wanted to pursue certain things.


Photo: © UBER IMAGES, YFS Magazine

I wanted to be an actress and an art teacher. I wanted to be an actress because I loved being in front of an audience and sharing a moral message to inspire and influence people’s thoughts. I also wanted to be an art teacher so I could express myself freely without conformity; and I wanted to help others do the same.

Today I inspire and influence thousands through my coaching, online presence, group programmes and inspirational speaking. I help women breakthrough the mould, embrace their purpose to coach, and create a life of financial abundance and soul fulfillment. There are so many parallels to the careers that interested me as a child and what I now do.

Journal on this question to find your life purpose and see where this takes you.


2. What makes you feel more fulfilled?

What makes you feel proud? What makes you come alive? When we can tap into this feeling we can really get to the bottom of what fulfills us.

One of the basic human desires is contribution. When we contribute to something greater than ourselves we feel fulfilled. There’s a difference between contributing because you should or you have to; so ask yourself, “What is that I love to do for others?”


Photo: © Hoda Bogdan, YFS Magazine

For me, it’s helping women build successful, money making businesses through finding clarity on their life’s purpose and what sets them on fire! Seeing others succeed brings me so much joy.


3. What are your best attributes?

Personal attributes are character traits or personality traits. Review a list of positive attributes and consider which ones you identify with the most. Are you an achiever? Maybe you’re communicative, ambitious, generous, organized, personable, quirky or trustworthy?

Identify two positive attributes that resonate the most with who you are. Next, consider how you interact with others using these two attributes.


Photo: © kuzmafoto, YFS Magazine

When you identify two characteristics you love about yourself, it can tie together the previous two questions and get you another step closer and help you find your purpose.

For example, two attributes I love most about myself are that I am motivational and courageous. I love to motivate other women to live their dreams and I do that by courageously leading by example, through my inspirational speaking and walking my talk. The infectious nature of the energy I create by doing this, spreads like a wildfire!


I’d love to hear about your breakthroughs from thinking about these questions. So please head on over to my Facebook Group to share your aha! moments, ask questions and receive weekly trainings on becoming a coach and gaining greater clarity around how to find your life purpose and who you’re here to serve.


This article has been edited.

Jennifer Hall,  the Business Clarity Coach, helps women who are ready to embrace their calling to Coach, build successful online coaching businesses through finding clarity on their life’s purpose, niche and ideal client. After years playing it small in a business she was dispassionate about, she finally embraced her life’s passion for coaching and built a successful online coaching business helping women align with what makes them feel ‘on fire’, live their purpose and create a solid business model for financial success. Connect with @JenHallCoach on Twitter.


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