
10 Daily Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

If you are ready to accomplish more consider a few of these ten daily habits to kick your business into high gear.

6. Consume information wisely.

Knowledge is potential power. Too much information is a distraction. Gain clarity on the type of information that inspires your day and consume it strategically. Especially if you find yourself stuck on a specific project, look to another industry for creative inspiration. It’s important to know that not all information is created equal. Consume accordingly.


7. Task your team to provide solutions – not problems.

Make it clear to your team that if they run into a roadblock, before they come to you they should have three solutions in toe. This not only empowers your team to be proactive problem solvers it will minimize the daily stress associated with putting out fires that most people can address on their own — with enough thought and careful consideration.


8. Talk to customers.

Whether it is a quick email to a client or a review of inbound customer feedback take time to listen and communicate with your customers. When you closely listen to their pain points you can better equip your team to find solutions. Most importantly, when you talk to customers and listen, it shows that you care. Emotional IQ can take you further than you likely expect.


9. Track your progress.

Use productivity tools to keep meetings, emails, and projects on track. Online apps like Progress Bar Timer will keep you accountable and reveal exactly how much time you’re spending on certain tasks. The free Google Chrome extension turns deadlines and quotas into convenient progress bars to help you track time and goals.


10. Make time for what’s important.

Do you enjoy tennis? If so, play a few rounds before you enter the office. Does a morning jog clear your head? If so, head outside on your lunch hour. Do you need to spend time with your family? Then commit to closing up the office on schedule.

If you’re unable to do these things it’s time to take a look at your productivity, delegate more and let go. If everything revolves around a committee of you — it’s time to remove the bottlenecks and empower those around you.

What success habits have you adopted? Let me know in the comments section below.


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