
Dear Solopreneur: If You Stay Ready You Don’t Have to Get Ready

Are you ready to scale and accommodate an influx of customers? If not, slow down. Preparation is essential.

Photo: Victoria Reese, Founder of the Victor Group; Source: Courtesy Photo
Photo: Victoria Reese, Founder of the Victor Group; Source: Courtesy Photo

A good friend once told me, “If you stay ready you don’t have to get ready.” I was impressed! This simple statement is so true and can be applied to every aspect of your life and business. It simply means that if you stay prepared for what you want (i.e., wishes, hopes, dreams, goals, plans, objectives) when opportunities arrive you are more than ready to receive and act upon them.

So often we wish for things without becoming prepared for their arrival. As entrepreneurs, we want more customers and increased sales. But are you ready to scale and accommodate an influx of customers? If not, slow down. Preparation is essential.


Opportunity is for the Prepared Mind

“Opportunity is for the prepared mind.” My uncle, Timmy, told me this. What it means is … when you are prepared you leave more room for tapping into your full potential and mastering your talents and skills. Only a few people reach this kind of potential and I believe preparation is the determining factor. The question is: Will you be one of them?

I encourage my clients to not solely depend on me to hold them accountable. I know, I know! It sounds crazy since their dependence is technically the service that my company offers, but I am the owner of a service business because I like to help people. If I am not teaching you how to manage your own brand then I am not doing my job.

For example, if you own a service-based business it is important to screen each prospective client to make sure they are open and ready to learn – in lieu of paying a third-party to manage their brand forever. Ultimately, every business owner must own their brand and learn to stand alone.

Why? Because, you may not always have the budget to hire someone to maintain your company website or file business taxes, as a fledgling startup. You must anticipate obstacles in order to succeed and persevere beyond them.

I’m sure you’ve heard the quote, “I don’t have a Plan B because Plan A is the only option.” I silently snicker when I hear this because life, and business, is full of setbacks, roadblocks and alternate routes. The best way to overcome them is to stay ready.


How to ‘Stay Ready’ in Business

How does “staying ready” apply to your business? Here’s a look at three simple ways to get started:


  • Perhaps you lead a content marketing strategy which includes updating your company blog once per week. Tip: Write 2-3 posts and schedule content in advance so you can have breaks in between writing. Meanwhile, you can focus on other business activities in the interim.
  • Do you manage your company’s social media content? Tip: Create a simple social media calendar. Spread out your content and pace to share regularly. Don’t over share the same content.
  • Are you prepared for your next meeting? Tip: If you have a meeting with a potential business partner or client, conduct research beforehand using Google. Review their personal website and social media accounts to learn more about their brand. When it is time for your meeting, you should have questions, ideas, and next steps in place. Most importantly, never leave a meeting without another meeting in the books.

If you are serious about building your business you will stay ready and hold yourself accountable. Your success could depend on your ability to stay ready.


This article has been edited and condensed.

Victoria Reese is founder of Victor Group, a Los Angeles-based brand and creative development company. Victoria is no stranger to entrepreneurship, as her previous endeavors include Millennial Effect, a boutique marketing agency based in NYC in which she co-founded in 2010. In addition to working for herself, she has been employed at top agencies such as Universal McCann, William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, LLC, Walton Isaacson and MediaVest; garnering experience from industry giants. Connect with @vmarie on Twitter.


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