
Your Cheat Sheet For Daily Task Domination

Daily task management is absolutely essential for improving team performance.

Task management is not as simple as it may sound. The true test of a leader lies in their ability to manage team tasks and keep them motivated in the process.

Communicating with your team effectively and creating the right environment improves productivity and reduces human error. Taking the right steps will also help you grow as a leader and manager of people.

Here are easy ways to define, manage and dominate daily tasks:


  1. Schedule team sessions.

    Identify a good time each week, in the morning, to start with a quick coffee session to cover daily goals. Depending on the goals, the folks assigned to lead projects and oversee a particular area of responsibility (AOR) should be involved in this quick touch-base. It’s helpful to consider progress, road blocks and the estimated time to completion.

  2. Consider what is urgent and important.

    Analyze top tasks that are most urgent and important to meet business goals – and how it impacts each member of your team. All tasks that are specifically relevant to goal completion should be separated and prioritized.

  3. Review team productivity.

    When defining top tasks take into account the productivity level of every individual on your team. Some team members may be able to work faster, without sacrificing quality while others may require more time. Parkinson’s Law states that “Work expands to fill the time allotted for it.” So, don’t assign open ended tasks – they’ll generally always take more time for completion.

  4. Motivate in a useful way.

    Motivate your team to complete daily tasks on schedule. Show appreciation in a useful way. Creating a positive work atmosphere improves daily performance.

  5. Prepare for unforeseen tasks.

    Things will popup that you can’t always plan for each day. Either accommodate it or delegate it according to priority.

  6. Track time spent on projects.

    Time tracking can make you more productive. There are various time tracking apps and online time management tools that are helpful when gauging the output of your projects.

  7. Remove bottlenecks.

    As a leader it’s your responsibility to anticipate bottlenecks that may arise and negatively impact your goal targets. Most importantly, ensure your team knows you are there to help them work through whatever difficulty they may face.

  8. Define the process early.

    Defining the process and clearly expressing expectations will bring clarity and transparency to a system. Every task should have a process to be followed and open to improvements from those who perform the task.

  9. Ensure everyone is on board.

    If a member of your team has trouble with their daily targets address it openly with empathy and professionalism. Communicating effectively and empowering your team to express views will boost their own confidence toward completing their goals.

  10. Collaboration is key.

    Foster a more collaborative environment. “86% of employees and executives site lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures.” While “49% of Millennials support social tools for workplace collaboration” (ClearCompany). Empowering your team with the right workplace collaboration tools will help you meet daily goals at a rapid pace.


Daily task management is absolutely essential for improving team performance. These tips should fuel motivation while the right tools can help individuals master their individual productivity.


This article has been edited and condensed.

Ved Raj is a business enthusiast and Marketing Manager at ValueCoders, a leading provider of remote development teams. He writes about startups, remote teams and outsourcing. Connect with @ValueCoders on Twitter.


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