
Seven Must-Read Articles On Hiring and Managing Virtual Employees

If you are ready to explore the possibilities of hiring virtual assistants or virtual employees here are seven articles to help you navigate everything virtual.

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5. Conduct Virtual Meetings With These Six Fresh-Faced Videoconferencing Tools

In today’s on-the-go society, it’s no longer uncommon for those associated with your business—team, clients, or suppliers—to be located in different zip codes or even time zones. Virtual meetings are essential for startups and businesses that want to meet face-to-face with anyone, anywhere and at any time, while saving thousands on travel expenses. Skype, GoTo Meetings, and WebEx may initially come to mind when thinking of videoconferencing platforms, but there are several newcomers that have found their niche following and growing user base. Read more

6. Get Things Done: How to Hire and Manage a Virtual Team

There’s an easy solution when you find yourself up to your eyeballs in uncompleted tasks for your business—hire a freelancer. Freelancers are easy to find online and can operate virtually in any location around the world. Businesses no longer have to worry about renting out an office space or equipment, or committing to time and location conflicts; technology has enabled entrepreneurs to create virtual workplaces where their virtual teams work and interact. Read more

7. Video Conferencing Tools for Virtual Teams and Multiple Business  Locations

The ability to videoconference has changed the way entrepreneurs do business. Small businesses and startups now have access to technology that was once reserved for large corporations that could afford it. Videoconferencing can help keep teams connected in a more personal and intimate way than emails and voice calls. It also allows your company to have a local presence in lucrative markets without commuting, especially in big cities like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and even internationally in London. Read more

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Photo: Gant

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